8DExample 项目名称:西门庆之死 主导员:包拯 队长:展昭 领航员:公孙策 2012.10.17GS/wey8DTrainingGSPCB34 日期:重和元年正月二十一 ★项目范畴目录 步骤1:团队分工 凶杀命案 步骤2:问题描述 ★问题陈述步骤3:短期对策 刀伤身亡步骤4:问题寻找 步骤5:解决方案 步骤6:长期措施 步骤7:效果验证 步骤8:圆满成功 20...
2 8D Report範本 範本 *** XLS 3 8D Report範本 範本 *** DOC 4 ABB 8D Report範本 範本 *** PDF 5 8D Non Conformance Management and Corrective Action Worksheet 範本 *** DOC 6 8D Report Example 範本 *** PDF 7 8D Report Example 範本 *** PDF 8 Supplier- 8D-Report - AT&S 範本 **...
example a defect found on an LED chip located on Row 3 Column 1 will be noted down as 3x1 IQC Failed Samples 24 Hour Life Test Failed Samples Corrective Action Request 8D 8D REPORT FA12P051 BUCKINGHAM 8D REPORT FA12P051 BUCKINGHAM Page 5 Visual inspection revealed some contamination marks ...
1、CUSTOMER COMPLAINT - FINAL REPORT8D Report number: F040358000FQS -8DGLOBAL INFORRMATIOON8D Closse Datte:Februarry 04, 20044CUSTOMEER NAMME:ARRAY EELECTRRONICSS LTD.Customeer conntact:Tony ChhenCustomeer reff.:Customeer parrt nummber:Area reef. nuumber:NA4010112ST creaator:Mr Garyy HUA,...
欢迎使用“8D报告模板8D_report_example”使用,该文档doc格式,如大家有其它疑问或者新的见解,欢迎大家互相交流、互相进步。 REF header_page_2 \h Customer name Customer ref. Customer Prod. No ST Complaint Ref. ST Commer. product ARRAY ELECTRONICS LTD. F040358000FQS TDA2007A相关...
(CorrectiveActionReport)更为严谨。 D0,8D准备解问题1,成立小组2,问题描述3,实施和验证时措施确定识别可能原因择最有可能原因能最有的原因根本原因吗,别可能的解决法D5,确定纠正措施6,实施永久性纠正措施7,预防再发生8,小组庆祝4,确认和验证根本原因
VDA 8D-Report Lieferant (Supplier)Anschrift (Adress/Location) 8D – REPORT Beanstandung (Concern Title)Beanstand.- Nr.(Ref. No.)Eröffnet am:(Start Date)Teilebezeichnung:(Part Name)Berichtsdatum (Status Date)Zeichnungsnummer/Index:(Part Number/Index)1Team Name,Abt.(Depmt)Teamleiter (Champ...
质量问题解决_8D_3X5 why
example.c Sample code for calling the JPEG library. structure.txt Overview of the JPEG library's internal structure. filelist.txt Road map of IJG files. coderules.txt Coding style rules --- please read if you contribute code. Please read at least the files install.txt and usage.txt. Some...
Device Nomenclature(1) PRODUCT TPS799xx(x) yyy z (1) VOUT xx(x) is nominal output voltage (for example, 28 = 2.8 V, 285 = 2.85 V, 01 = Adjustable). yyy is package designator. z is package quantity. For the most current package and ordering information see the Package Option ...