15 1 - 12 See Disk drive and solid-state drive system parts. 16 00E1966 1 Control panel assembly 17 2B09 00E1945 1 Disk drive backplane 18 00FX078 1 Fan cage assembly 19 00FV629 1 - 4 80 mm fan assembly 20 00FX092 1 Processor and memory air baffle 21 561A 74Y4326 1 System...
For information about SAS cable part numbers, see 8247-42L, 8286-41A, or 8286-42A system parts. Replace the SAS cable cover. Place the cover slots onto the pins on the side of the chassis. The triangle symbol on the SAS cable cover lines up with the triangle symbol on the side of...
Trip Reports of Massachusetts (and other parts of New England as well) What did you want to know about the Ferries?? Massachusetts Destination Experts kendrick 6,643 forum posts Members who are knowledgeable about this destination and volunteer their time to answer travelers' quest...