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+17.84% DJECONE:IND $2,266.54 Dow Jones Emerging Markets Consumer Titans Index (EUR)+4.95% NOMXNTISEK:IND $543.39 NASDAQ OMX Nordic Tele & InfoTech SEK+1.40% ETFs Holding NQMY8000N Sorry, this data cannot be displayed at the moment....
development of tumors. Different Siglecs play different roles in macrophages, and Siglec-1 enhances the antigen presentation of macrophages and thus the killing effect of CD8+ T cells. Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 induce the differen...
在全球的不同地区甲状腺功能亢进(hyperthyroidism)、甲状腺功能减退(hypothyroidism)的患病率各不相同,其中环境因素占有很重要的地位,尤其和某一地区碘含量、食用加碘盐等碘元素状况(iodine status)密切相关。最近,在Nature Reviews Endocrinology上就在线发布了一篇综述,...