产品型号:8-Arm Maze. 简单介绍: 八臂迷宫(8-Arm Maze)用来检测药物或大脑受损状态下学习和记忆方面的表现,它由八个完全相同的臂组成,这些臂从一个中央平台放射出来,所以又被称为放射迷宫(Radial Maze)。每个臂尽头有食物提供装置(可以选择电击模块),根据分析动物取食(或逃避电击)的策略即进入每臂的次数、时间...
The radial arm maze (RAM) is a common behavioral test to assess spatial working and reference memory in mice. However, conventional RAM experiments require a substantial degree of manual handling and animals are usually subjected to prolonged periods of food or water deprivation to achieve ...
获取该产品"八臂迷宫 8-Arm Maze."联系方式如下 方案2 第一步:用微信扫描二维码,关注阿仪网公众账号 第二步:在微信上输入pro9961052即可获取电话 第三步:获取后您可以直接拨打电话号码 我要推广优质信息推广广告 耐电弧试验仪价格 直读光谱仪厂家 全自动发动机油表观粘度测定仪 冷却塔 友情...
Volume 6, Supplement 1, August 1998, Pages S51 Fourth European Congress of Pharmaceutical SciencesEptastigmine (MF201) improves 8-arm radial maze performance in aged rats: , S. Inghilterra, C. Cippolletta, P. Griffini∗ and M. Sala Institute of Pharmacology, Faculty of Sciences, Via Vanvi...
Effects of two stressors on behaviour in the elevated X-maze: Preliminary investigation of their interaction with 8-OH-DPAT Effects of water deprivation and restraint were compared in the rat elevated X-maze. Water deprivation for 12-48 h increased corticosterone and had a durat... JW Mcblane...
Effects of two stressors on behaviour in the elevated X-maze: Preliminary investigation of their interaction with 8-OH-DPAT Effects of water deprivation and restraint were compared in the rat elevated X-maze. Water deprivation for 12-48 h increased corticosterone and had a durat... JW Mcblane...
(2005). Neonatal exposure to intermittent hypoxia enhances mice performance in water maze and 8-arm radial maze tasks. J. Neurobiol. 65:72-84.Zhang J X,Chen X Q,Du J Z,Chen Q M,Zhu C Y.Neonatal exposure to intermittent hypoxia enhancesmice performance in water maze and 8-arm radial ...
Zhang JX,Chen XQ,Du JZ,et al.Neonatal exposure to intermittent hypoxia enhances mice performance in water maze and8-arm ra-dial maze tasks.Journal of Neurobiology. 2005Neonatal exposure to intermittent hypoxia enhances mice performance in water maze and8-arm ra-dial maze tasks. Zhang JX,Chen ...
(1991). Hippocampal CA1 evoked response and radial 8- arm maze performance after hippocampal kindling. Brain Research, 555, 353-357.Leung, L.S., Shen, B (1991) Hippocampal CA1 evoked response and radial 8-arm maze performance after hippocampal kindling. Brain Res. 555: pp. 353-357...
We investigated the effects of lurasidone and other marketed antipsychotics (risperidone, clozapine, aripiprazole, and haloperidol) on MK-801-induced impairment of learning and memory in the Morris water maze (MWM) and radial-arm maze (RAM) tests in rats. Learning and memory impairment in the ...