The SparkFun8-Pin SOIC to DIP Adapteris a small PCB that lets you adaptSOIC packagesinto a DIP footprint. These are useful for modding and upgrading devices that use 8-pin DIP ICs, when the upgraded IC is only available in a SOIC footprint. You can also use it for prototyping, to m...
The SparkFun 8-Pin SOIC to DIP Adapter is a small PCB that lets you adapt SOIC packages into a DIP footprint. These tiny boards are useful for modding and upgrading devices that use 8-pin DIP ICs, when the upgraded IC is only available in a SOIC footprin
The SparkFun 8-Pin SOIC to DIP Adapter is a small PCB that lets you adapt SOIC packages into a DIP footprint. These tiny boards are useful for modding and upgrading devices that use 8-pin DIP ICs, when the upgraded IC is only available in a SOIC footprin
This adapter can be used with all chip programmers that support the desired chip. The conversion of this adapter is 1:1 (pin to pin) 技术规格 转换自 8-DIP 节距 - 产品范围 - 转换至 8-SOIC 排距 - SVHC(高度关注物质) No SVHC (27-Jun-2024) 技术文档 (2) Technical Data Sheet EN ...
窄体SOP8转DIP8烧录座弹跳座ots16-1.27-03 soic8 小8脚 编程座 深圳市鸿怡电子有限公司10年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥5.90成交180个 宽体SOP8 转DIP8 烧录座 烧录转接座 烧录头 贴片转换座 弹跳座 深圳市信泰微科技有限公司10年 ...
Universal SOIC,SOP8(EZ) SO8 TO Dip 8 Adapter 150mil IC. programmer(1.27 Pitch) and all SOP8 narrow chips. Suitable for ALL-11 Series,ALL-100GANG , LT-48 Series, SuperPRO Series, TOP Series etc. Support Chips: 24CXX, 93CXX and all SOP8 narrow chips. ...
SOIC8/SOP8测试夹子 免拆神器测试IC宽窄烧录座 通用编程器 深圳市福田区海森达伟业电子商行5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥4.18成交19条 SOP8/SOP16转DIP8 SA602镀金IC测试座 转换座 烧录座150/200mil 深圳市芯德微电子科技有限公司4年 ...
3 8 to 1 2 adapter socket s8 sip super 8 to digital converter redmi 8 adapter m12 to m8 adapter 4 pin 8 position dip switch smt to dip connector dyson v8 ryobi battery adapter shimano ep8 drive unit delphi 8 pin connector bsp d8 vs d8 pro Ranking Keywords socket adapter 3 8 to 1 ...
Specifications: Material: High-quality plastic Dissipation Power: 1 Pin Configuration: 8Pin Length: Approx. 5.5mm Overall Height: Approx. 26mm Package Contents: 5x SOP8 to DIP8 Programmer Adapter Sockets Features: |Git Meaning In Programming| **Versatile Compatibility and Ease of Use** The 5pcs...
定制类型:QFN、DFN、集成模块、BGA等芯片的各种:测试座、老化座、测试治具、测试夹具、自动化设备等。 常见芯片:WIFI、互联网、传感器、车规芯片、电源芯片等。 PCB定制:可以提供通用转48pin双排针转接板、也可以根据需求定制,免费画板。 IC脚位间距:0.2、0.3、0.35、0.4、0.45、0.5、0.65、0.8、1.0、1.27、2.54mm...