8:Intermediate frontal(includes Frontal eye fields) 位于前运动皮层的前面,与复杂运动的planning有关,受损会导致眼球向受损一侧的强直性偏移。 9:Granular frontal 包括背侧和内侧的前额叶,左侧和右侧具有不同的功能,与短期记忆,听觉语言注意有关,是很高级的皮层。 10:Frontopolar(DLFC) 最前面那部分前额叶,由此...
The efferent projections from the cortical area 8 (frontal eye field) have been re-examined in four adult monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) by injecting small amounts of H3-proline into the rostral bank of sulcus arcuatus and using the autoradiographic tracing technique. Ipsilateral cortical projections...
However, we are not a big fan of the virtues of “naked communion” (裸の付き合い hadaka no tsukiai), what brought us there was their own lavender fields in front of the hotel. It was a bit annoying because there was no bath or shower unit in our room, so we had to use the ...
翼突钩从两侧翼内板伸出。 The sphenoid bone has a common border with the frontal bone via thesphenofrontal suture, the parietal bone via thesphenoparietal suture, the squamous part of the temporal bone via thesphenosquamosal suture, and th...
Signal transmission in the pathway was fast ( approximately 2 ms from SC to FEF) and topographically organized (SC neurons drove MD and FEF neurons having similarly eccentric visual and movement fields). Our analysis of identified neurons in one pathway from brain stem to frontal cortex thus ...
however, the patient noted pain in the left eye throughout testing. Pupils were equal, round and reactive to light and tested negative for an afferent pupillary defect. Confrontational visual fields were full in all quadrants with finger counting method. IOPs wer...
Deep learning has transformed fields such as image and video recognition and speech understanding. In computer games, DL started making its mark in 2014, when teams from University of Edinburgh and Google DeepMind independently applied Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) to the problem of expe...
蝶骨是人体最复杂的骨。由于其形状,蝶骨也称蜂骨。 It makes up most of the middle part of the base of the skull and contributes to the floor of themiddle cranial fossa. 它构成颅底大部分中间部分,并有助于构成颅中窝底部。 There are four ma...
Initiation and suppression of saccades by the frontal eye field in the monkey - Izawa, Suzuki, et al. - 2005Initiation and suppression of saccades by the frontal eye field in the monkey - Izawa, Suzuki, et al. - 2005 () Citation Context ...ry influence on the SC (e.g. Everling ...
The annular body can be folded in half, and thereby reduced in its outside dimensions. It is suitable for unfolding into its flat original position again by means of its inherent elasticity.ヘルメキング,ハイノ