Download.exe32-bit x861.3 MB Download.exe64-bit ARM641.5 MB License 7-Zipisfree softwarewithopen source. The most of the code is under theGNU LGPLlicense. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code. Rea...
Download.exe32-bit x861.3 MB Download.exe64-bit ARM641.5 MB License 7-Zipisfree softwarewithopen source. The most of the code is under theGNU LGPLlicense. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code. Rea...
Download.exe32-bit x861.3 MB Download.exe64-bit ARM641.5 MB License 7-Zipisfree softwarewithopen source. The most of the code is under theGNU LGPLlicense. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code. Rea...
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7-Zip是一种创新的压缩格式,压缩比极高,被称为目前最高的压缩软件。它不仅支持独有的7-Zip文件格式,还能处理各种其他压缩文件格式,比同类软件在压缩比方面更出色。 03安装教程 1. 鼠标右击【7z2105(64bit)】压缩包选择【解压到7z2105(64bit)】。
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1.18 MB / 2021-12-29 11:28:02 / v21.07 32Bit 多国语言版 1.18 MB下载 7Zip是一款号称有着现今最高压缩比的压缩软件,它不仅支持独有的7z文件格式,而且还支持各种其它压缩文件格式,其中包括ZIP,RAR,CAB,GZIP,BZIP2和TAR。此软件压缩的压缩比要比普通ZIP文件高30-50%。因此,它可以把经WinZip压缩的文件再...
Baixe o 7-Zip 24.08 (11/08/2024) para Windows x64 (64 bits): LinkTipoWindowsTamanho Download.exe64-bit x641.6 MB Baixe o 7-Zip 24.08 para outras plataformas Windows (32 bits ou ARM64): LinkTipoWindowsTamanho Download.exe32-bit x861.3 MB ...
7-Zip解压软件 v21.07 32Bit 多国语言版 7Zip是一款号称有着现今最高压缩比的压缩软件,它不仅支持独有的7z文件格式,而且还支持各种其它压缩文件格式,其中包括ZIP,RAR,CAB,GZIP,BZIP2和TAR。此软件压缩的压缩比要比普通ZIP文件高30-50%。因此,它可以把经WinZip压缩的文件再压缩2-10%。7Zip的特色7Zip具[ 查看...
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