In a dystopian world ravaged by zombies, robots were deployed with strict orders to eliminate any signs of life to try and contain the outbreak. As a result, many remaining survivors that had not been infected were wiped out and the animals that once roamed the grasslands became extinct. The...
Preppocalypse is an expansion for 7 Days to Die, from the perspective of a Prepper. In the context of 7 Days to Die, a Prepper is a survivor who prepared in advance for adverse situations and made it through the initial ‘event’ stage and aftermath. Preppocalypse places the player in t...
Main files Sort by Name Asc DFalls_Lab1_Replacement Date uploaded 21 Mar 2024, 2:07PM File size 30KB Unique DLs 24 Total DLs 29 Version 2024.03.21 DarknessFalls [labo1] replace.Please overwrite all files. Mod manager download Manual download Preview file contents VORTEX...
Adds Throwable Spears into Darkness Falls V5.0.1.Just adds new items does not remove the new power attacking spears.
Install into the 7_Days_To_Die\Mods folder. All mods that add new assets must be installed on server and client! You are not allowed to redistribute bdubyah’s mods without permission. This includes any assets from a mod, or the entire mod itself. ...
This mod adds bundling to all of the stackable items aside from books and blocks.Tested Working on V1, V1.1 b4 and v1.2 b27Now with an alternative version that works with Darkn