7500 Real Time PCR System with Applied Biosystem7500, Find Details and Price about Abi7500 from 7500 Real Time PCR System with Applied Biosystem7500 - Jiangsu Superbio Biomedical (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.
Thermo 7500定量PCR仪参数 参数名称参数值 基本信息 商品名:实时荧光定量PCR仪 产地:美国 品牌名:Thermofisher 原厂型号:QuantStudio 5(96-well, 0.2 mL block) 原厂货号:A28139 体积:27cm*50cm*40cm 上市日期:2013-11-11 规格/包装:QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (96-well, 0.2 mL block) 性能描述...
7500 Real-Time PCR(配Dell笔记本电脑) 原厂货号 4351104 体积 34cm*49cm*45cm 重量 34 kg (75 lb) 储存条件 室温 上市日期 2005-10-01 规格/包装 7500 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification with Dell Notebook,\r\n7500型定量PCR仪,标配笔记本电脑,带必要装机试剂盒 ...
【产品名称】:Applied Biosystems 7500实时荧光定量pcr仪平价进口 【产品型号】:Applied Biosystems 7500快速实时荧光定量PCR系统代理平价进口配置参数报价价格 ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR SystemPCR仪 ABI 7500型 ABI7500实时荧光定量PCR系统图片货号4351106 赛默飞7500荧光定量PCR仪平价进口 赛默飞7500荧光定量PCR仪平价进口 ...
原厂型号 7500 Real-Time PCR(配Dell笔记本电脑) 原厂货号 4351104 体积 34cm*49cm*45cm 重量 34 kg (75 lb) 上市日期 2005-10-01 规格/包装 7500 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification with Dell Notebook,/r/n7500型定量PCR仪,标配笔记本电脑,带必要装机试剂盒 主要用途 用于核酸定量...
【产品型号】:Applied Biosystems 7500Fast实时荧光定量PCR系统代理平价进口配置参数报价价格 ABI 7500fast Real-Time PCR SystemPCR仪 ABI 7500Fast型7500Fast实时荧光定量PCR系统图片货号4351106 【产品品牌】:美国Applied Biosystems总代理 【价格】:280000元 【电话】: 【搜索关键词】:7500Fast美国ABI进口实时荧光定量...
The 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Systems Spectral Calibration Kit I (Cat. No. 4360788) has been validated to be used only with the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR instrument with a 0.1 mL block. The part numbers for the spectral calibration kits to be used with QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (...
The 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Systems Spectral Calibration Kit I (Cat. No. 4360788) has been validated to be used only with the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR instrument with a 0.1 mL block. The part numbers for the spectral calibration kits to be used with QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (...
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