In addition, 747-400ER Freighter has a maximum takeoff weight of 910,000 pounds, a maximum payload of 248,600 pounds and a maximum range of 4,970 nautical miles.EBSCO_bspPacific Shipper
The article reports that Kuwait-based airfreight operation, LoadAir Cargo has signed an order with Boeing for two 747-400 Extended Range Freighters, valued at $494 million. LoadAir Chairman Khalifa Ali Al-Sabah explains that the investment is a demonstration of the company's commitment to ...
Accommodation of the engines, Rolls-Royce Trent 600 and Engine Alliance GP7100; Combination of the increased passenger payload of the 767-400ER and longer range of the smaller 767-300ER.SmithBruceA.EBSCO_AspAviation Week & Space Technology...