JANUARY SAW Southwest Airlines exercise options to buy 40 more 737 MAX 8s and defer deliveries of 23 smaller 737 MAX 7s. Southwest said the new purchase would, "support future growth opportunities and fleet modernisation at favourable economics". The airline will now receive a further 15 737 ...
737 MAX——旱地栽葱 [737-7/8/9/10] ↑注:由图中可见,737 MAX 全系均配备了分叉式小翼和锯齿短舱设计的 作为最新一代737,737 MAX是一款被寄予厚望的机型——搭载“可以降低发动机噪音的”锯齿短舱设计的CFM LEAP-1B发动机;配备全新数字化电传驾驶舱;特制的分叉式小翼等等... 除此之外,新款发动机增加了8.4...
In a statement, the Texas-based LCC said the two sides had now reached agreement on 100 firm B737 MAX 7 orders with the first 30 scheduled to be delivered in 2022. As part of the agreement, Southwest also converted seventy MAX 8 firm orders to MAX 7 firm orders and added 155 MAX ...
所以火中取栗子的来啦!瑞安集团CEO最近在公开场合表示,“If United or any other airlines don't want to take their MAX 10 orders, we will be happy to step in. (若美联航或任何其它公司不想要它们订购的MAX 10,我们很高兴介入。)”瑞安航空是欧洲规模最大的航空公司,首部在爱尔兰。包括马耳它、...
The jet will undergo several additional comprehensive tests, which are required for the plane's certification and delivery in 2019. The 737 MAX planes are the fastest-selling ones in Boeing's history, already receiving more than 4,300 orders from 93 customers worldwide, Boeing said....
Laderman stresses that United’s orders with Boeing are flexible, meaning United should have ability to adjust its orders to include different Max variants. The Max 7 has about 138 seats in two classes. “With the [Max], we’ve always had the ability, with enough notice, to change ...
Southwest Airlines said it also has 149 outstanding orders for B737-8s in addition to the 69 units of the type already delivered. No further B737 MAX deliveries are scheduled for 2021. The deliveries of -8s are scheduled to resume in 2026 and conclude by the end of 2031. Beyond the ...
参考译文:737-700、-800和-900ER是之前广泛使用的737NG的三个版本,分别被737 MAX 7、MAX 8和MAX 9所取代(联邦航空管理局型号证书:737-7、-8和-9[50])。737 MAX 8于2017年5月投入使用[2],MAX 9于2018年3月投入使用[147]。最初预计MAX 7和MAX 200(MAX 8的高密度版本)将于2021年开始交付,MAX 10...
Boeing's 737 Max is a more fuel-efficient update of the company's popular 737, the best-selling airliner ever. A timeline of important events involving the Max:
737 MAX——旱地栽葱 [737-7/8/9/10] ↑注:由图中可见,737 MAX 全系均配备了分叉式小翼和锯齿短舱设计的 作为最新一代737,737 MAX是一款被寄予厚望的机型——搭载“可以降低发动机噪音的”锯齿短舱设计的CFM LEAP-1B发动机;配备全新数字化电传驾驶舱;特制的分叉式小翼等等... 除此之外,新款发动机增加了8.4...