The downloadable content hereonlyconsists of texture files. You will need the payware PMDG 737-800WL base package (available through purveyors such as SimShack) in order to properly utilize these liveries. Once installed, they integrate seamlessly with the PMDG aircraft, retaining the airline’s...
01 安装与首次运行 PMDG-737 for MSFS Installation and Important First Run Notes 07:45 02 管理中心OC使用 PMDG-737 for MSFS Operations Center & Liveries Installation 07:55 03 系列更新计划 PMDG-737 for MSFS Towing Out & Post Release Update Plans 07:39 04 官方操作视角 PMDG-737 for MS...
Glad to have these two sims finally installed and operable in my FSX-SE after their last use several years ago in FSX. Performed two short flights with these aircraft, starting cold & dark in each case. It took me a rather long time to get the start-up p
It's official. The Ariane 737 will be mothballed. After getting the PMDG 800/900 NGX, I was surprised to find out this weekend that they released the 600/700 variants of the aircraft. So... I went and picked the final piece of the modern-day aviation puzzle: ...
Sold by: PMDG BOX $57.94 税前价格$57.94 税后价格 单价 1 放入购物车 联系我们了解详细讯息 The Definitive Simulation of the World`s Definitive Airliner! Aerosoft and PMDG are proud to offer the next level of airliner flight simulation with the release of the PMDG 737NGX 800/900 for Micro...
I have just taken off in my PMDG 737 and as soon as I activated LNAV and VNAV this happened... That climb rate looks too steep to me 😛 I have my climb speed set at 283knts, is this too fast? Anyone else had this problem?[/img]Reply...
01 安装与首次运行 PMDG-737 for MSFS Installation and Important First Run Notes 07:45 02 管理中心OC使用 PMDG-737 for MSFS Operations Center & Liveries Installation 07:55 03 系列更新计划 PMDG-737 for MSFS Towing Out & Post Release Update Plans 07:39 04 官方操作视角 PMDG-737 for MS...
01 安装与首次运行 PMDG-737 for MSFS Installation and Important First Run Notes 07:45 02 管理中心OC使用 PMDG-737 for MSFS Operations Center & Liveries Installation 07:55 03 系列更新计划 PMDG-737 for MSFS Towing Out & Post Release Update Plans 07:39 04 官方操作视角 PMDG-737 for MS...