Jean-Talon市场的二楼 7070 avenue Henri-Julien 详情: Jardins Gamelins户外美食音乐节 蒙特利尔Jardins Gamelins夏季户外美食音乐节回归,从5...
古代的花园只存在于文学和幻想之中,因此,现代人们采取了一个折衷的办法,在城市生活中开辟一块飞地,满足人性失而不可复得的梦幻世界。 林荫大道 1775 A Shaded Avenue 布面油画 29.2cmx24.1cm 大都会艺术博物馆 让·奥诺雷·弗拉戈纳...
All things are latent, and the diction of any voice is capable of making them emerge and of leading the reader down their avenue. De Quincey recounts that it was enough to name the Roman consul in his dreams to set off fiery visions of flying banners and military splendor. In the ...