📍 位置:633 W 5th St, Fl 71, Los Angeles, CA 90071✨ 71 Above 餐厅位于美国银行大厦的顶层,是欣赏洛杉矶壮丽地平线的绝佳地点。我们为朋友的生日预订了这家餐厅,通过官网进行预订并支付了预付款。我们一行8人,预付款大约200多美元。🌅 建议在傍晚5点左右到达,可以欣赏到夕阳西下的美景。餐厅的窗户都...
🎂洛杉矶约会圣地:71Above餐厅🍽️ 🎂为了庆祝我的7月1日生日,我选择了与数字71紧密相连的餐厅——71Above。这个位于洛杉矶市中心的标志性建筑,不仅是西部最高的餐厅,还能让你360度俯瞰整个城市的美景,简直是情侣约会和生日派对的完美选择! 📍名字:71Above 📍地址:633 W 5th St 71st floor, Los Angel...
71Above 是密西西比河以西最高的餐厅,位于标志性的美国联邦银行大厦 (US Bank Tower) 顶部。夜晚时分,点上一杯与邦德女郎同名的鸡尾酒,看着星光璀璨的城市夜景,就能感受到属于洛杉矶的繁华[心]。📍 633 W 5th ...
Los Angeles 213.71ABOVE ReservationsLarge party Reservation Hours Sun-Th 5PM-9:30PM Fri-Sat 5PM-11pm 71Above is a registered trademark.Developed by Inverselogic Inc. The Bar The Bar Join us at the bar for the perfect sunset view facing West towards the Pacific Ocean. Taste our signature coc...
Completed in 2016 in Los Angeles, United States. Images by Paul Vu. The design is influenced by the radial plan of the building. This is a continuous space allowing every seat in both the dining and lounge areas to...
如果你也想体验一下,地址是633 W 5th Street, Los Angeles。餐厅提供停车场,停车费大概十美元左右。记得提前预定哦,不然可能会等位。总之,71Above餐厅不仅是一个美食的好去处,更是一个欣赏洛杉矶夜景的绝佳地点。无论是庆祝生日、纪念日,还是和朋友聚会,这里都是一个不错的选择。
📍 位置:餐厅位于633 W 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA。这里不仅是网红打卡地,OUE Skyspace的空中滑梯和彩色翅膀就在餐厅楼下,非常值得一看。如果你想要提前体验,可以在用餐前先到那里打卡。📌 小贴士:71Above餐厅需要提前预约,建议提前安排好时间。
Completed in 2016 in Los Angeles, United States. Images by Paul Vu. The design is influenced by the radial plan of the building. This is a continuous space allowing every seat in both the dining and lounge areas to...
71Above值得去吗?71Above位于633 W. 5th Street, 71st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071美国71Above...
D Misunderstandings71.Because so many English words sound similar, from the two stories above we see, misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon.Not all misunderstandings result in highways being closed or passengers flying to the wrong continent. Most misunderstandings are much les...