7075铝合金的典型化学成份(Chemical Composition Limit ofAluminum wt%)≥ 硅Si 铁Fe 铜Cu 锰Mn 镁Mg 铬Cr 锌Zn 钛Ti 锆Zr 铝Al 0.40 0.50 1.20-2.0 0.30 2.10-2.90 0.18-0.28 5.10-6..10 0.20 - 余量 7075典型物理性能(Typical Mechanical Properties) 合金状态ALLOY 切削性 耐蚀性 电导率20℃(68℉) ...
7075铝合金的典型化学成份(Chemical Composition Limit ofAluminum wt%)≥ 硅Si 铁Fe 铜Cu 锰Mn 镁Mg 铬Cr 锌Zn 钛Ti 锆Zr 铝Al 0.40 0.50 1.20-2.0 0.30 2.10-2.90 0.18-0.28 5.10-6..10 0.20 - 余量 7075典型物理性能(Typical Mechanical Properties) 合金状态ALLOY 切削性 耐蚀性 电导率20℃(68℉) ...
试验材料为尺寸500 mm×150 mm×2 mm的7075-T651铝合金,其化学成分和力学性能分别如表1、表2所示,经T651处理(固溶+人工时效)。 表1 7075铝合金化学成分(质量分数,%) [8]Table 1 Chemical composition of 7075 aluminum alloy ( wt .%) [8] 表2 7075铝合金力学性能Table 2 Mechanical Properties of 7075 ...
ALLOY7050-T651铝板,ALMG3铝板,2007F37铝板,2024铝板,MIC6铝板,AlCuMgPbF39铝板,CB156铝棒,6262A铝棒,3.1645/2030铝板,7N01铝板, ① 美国进口 “ALCOA” 铝合金系列:6061,6063,5052,MIC6,6262,2017 7075-T6(651) ,2024,5083, 2017,5056,5456,2036,2124,2319,2218,2014,4032,4130,2010,7175,7050,7475,7024...
经营范围销售:钨合金电极相关制品、铜、铝、有色金属材料、硬质合金、钨钢、模具钢、冷拨钢、合结钢、快削钢、车刀、五金制品。 点击查看更多企业信息 【铝合金】相关产品图 供应商:唐立清 东莞市欧标合金制品有限公司 想获得更多采购商询盘?戳这里!
">Alloy 7075 sheet and plate products have application throughout aircraft and aerospace structures where a combination of high strength with moderate toughness and corrosion resistance are required.
ALLOY7050-T651铝板,ALMG3铝板,2007F37铝板,2024铝板,MIC6铝板,AlCuMgPbF39铝板,CB156铝棒,6262A铝棒,3.1645/2030铝板,7N01铝板, ① 美国进口 “ALCOA” 铝合金系列:6061,6063,5052,MIC6,6262,2017 7075-T6(651) ,2024,5083, 2017,5056,5456,2036,2124,2319,2218,2014,4032,4130,2010,7175,7050,7475,7024...
ALLOYAND TEMPER Ultimate Tensile Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Hardness 7075-T651 572 503 150 11 物理性能分析(Typical Physical Properties) 铝合金牌号及状态 热膨胀系数 (20-100℃)um/m.k 熔点范围(℃) 电导率20℃(68°F)(%ACS) 电阻率20℃(68°F)m㎡/m ALLOYAND TEMPER Average Coefficient ...
图6 不同法向载荷下 7075 铝合金的磨损表面形貌.(a)540 N;(b)680 N;(c)820 NFig.6 SEM micrographs of the worn surfaces of 7075 aluminum alloy under different normal loads: (a) 540 N;(b) 680 N;(c) 820 N 表5 不同载荷下试样磨损表面元素的EDS分析(质量分数)Table 5 EDS analysis of wo...
(2012) Composition Segregation in Semi-Solid Metal Cast AA7075 Aluminium Alloy. Journal of Materials Science, 47, 4716-4725. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10853-012-6340-3S. George,R. Knutsen.Composition segregation in semi-solid metal cast AA7075 aluminium alloy[J]. Journal of Materials ...