Keywords:Cogging and forging; 050 aluminum alloy;Numerical simulation 1 前言 核电机组中的压力容器是核反应堆的核心部 件,而封头则是组成压力容器的关键零件 [ ] 。由于带 法兰封头的特殊形状,采用常规封头的成形工艺,如 冲压、旋压、拼焊、胀形 [ ] 以及爆炸成形等已不再适 用,在这种情况下,采用整体热成...
Keywords:7050-T7452alloyforging;hightemperatureserviceenvironment;thermalexposedtreatment;microstructure; precipitate;tensileproperties Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系超高强变形铝合金由于具有较 高的比强度和比刚度、较好的耐腐蚀性和热加工性能 等优点,广泛应用于航空、航天及军事领域[1−6]。7050 ...
适用范围:This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of hand forgings 8 inches (203 mm) and under in nominal thickness, and of forging stock. These forgings have been used typiclaly for machined structural parts subject to warpage during machining and requiring high strength and resis...