The Seven Natural Wonders Of The World
To this day, I still don’t understand why Chichen Itza got a spot on the New 7 World Wonders list, but the OG Great Pyramid of Giza did not. Ok, Ok, I have to give it some credit; the Mayans were scientific geniuses, and built the main structure of Chichen Itza in a way that...
7 wonders世界七大奇迹 VisittheSevenWondersoftheAncientWorld 1GreatPyramidatGiza2HangingGardensofBabylon3StatueofZeusatOlympia4TempleofArtemisatEphesus5MausoleumatHalicarnassus6ColossusofRhodes7LighthouseatAlexandria 1 TheGreatPyramidatGiza TheSevenWonders SelectedbytheAncientGreeks Whenthe...
Build the Seven wonders by advancing through 49 challenging Match 3 levels! Download a free trial, read about the game, and view user reviews.
New World Seven Wonders The new "Seven Wonders of the World": the Great Wall of China, the ancient city of Petra Jordan, Brazil, as Christians, Peru Machu Picchu Castle, Egypt Giza pyramids, the ancient Roman Colosseum, the Taj Mahal in India. ★ the Great Wall of China December 1987 ...
This is your turn! Please leave a list of your own personal 7 wonders of the world as seen with your own eyes in the comments box below. I would love to hear where you have been, so that I can start planning my next trip!
To mark the official 7 Wonders Day, celebrated on 7 July every year around the world, Machu Picchu organises the highest-ever altitude recreation of a giant human number “7”. With this striking visual, Machu Picchu honours the world’s first-ever global vote to elect the New 7 Wonders ...
In the year 2001, a Swiss foundation called the New7Wonders Foundation launched a global campaign to determine the New Seven Wonders of the World. The goal was to highlight the most remarkable and iconic structures of the modern era. With the help of public votes, the final list was announ...
if yes, start making plans to visit these amazing 7 wonders of the world, which are known for capturing the attention of tourists from all over the world. Every wonder from the list has its charm to flaunt and own story to tell. So, plan yourtrip to internationalwith us and create coun...
SEVENWONDERSOFTHESEVENWONDERSOFTHE WORLDWORLD PRESENTEDBYPRESENTEDBY THESEVENWONDERSOFTHETHESEVENWONDERSOFTHE ANCIENTWORLDANCIENTWORLD AlthoughmostpeopleknowthatalistAlthoughmostpeopleknowthatalist existsoftheSevenWorldWonders,onlyexistsoftheSevenWorldWonders,only fewcannamethem.ThelistoftheSevenfewcannamethem.The...