Egypt believed its pyramids should not need to be voted on since they have always been listed as a world wonder. The New Seven Wonders group gave the pyramids an honorary position on the list. So there are actually now eight wonders of the world. Here are descriptions of them. The Great...
Beijing and Zurich, 10 July 2023 The official unveiling of the New7Wonders Wonder Marker on 7 Wonders Day 2023 at the Great Wall has been widely reported across mainstream and social mobile media throughout China, recognising and celebrating the importance of this historic moment. Video news repo...
Petra A historical city in Jordan which was carved out of the mountain, Machu Pichu An Inca ancient city set high in the Andes mountains in Peru pyramid a structure where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge at a point Colosseum An...
Either way, UNESCO will continue as an organization to help preserve the sites on their list, and the Wonder of the World lists will just continue to be for pop culture for the most part. 7 Wonders Of The World The New 7 Wonders Of World Wonders Of The World The New 7 Wonders Of ...
A true natural wonder of the world, theAmazon Rainforesthas long been known as the “lungs of the planet”– so it’s only fitting that it has a place on our list! As arainforest biome, the Amazon area alone creates around 20% of the entire world’s oxygen, houses many medicinal pl...
the-7-wonders-of-the-world The7wondersoftheworld 1 WorksofartandarchitectureregardedbyancientGreekandRomanobserversasthemostextraordinarystructuresofantiquity.Onlyonewonderoftheseven,thepyramidsofEgypt,stillstandstoday.Severallistsofwondersweredrawnupduringantiquity.ThelistknowntodayissometimesascribedtoAntipaterof...
1:TheGreatPyramidofGiza.1:TheGreatPyramidofGiza. ManfearsTime,yetTimefearstheManfearsTime,yetTimefearsthe PyramidsPyramids(Arabproverb(Arabproverb).). ItistheoneandonlyWonderwhichdoesItistheoneandonlyWonderwhichdoes notrequireadescriptionbyearlynotrequireadescriptionbyearly ...
Support your Wonder Latest News New7Wonders continues, find out how in our News Room Bernard Weber Joins Global Visionaries in Authoring an Inspirational Book Launched at the United Nations Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders was invited to contribute to a groundbreaking initiative, “Vis...