嗣后转读文学专业,师从著名文艺理论家瑞恰慈(I·A·Richards),从老师给他批改的一份作业中得到启示,写出了震惊现代西方文学界且影响久远的著作《朦胧的七种类型》(Seven Types of Ambiguity)。因为一个偶然的“避孕套事件”,校方与他解约,激怒了瑞恰慈,劝他离开英国到远东去。在东京文理科大学待了四年,因为厌...
分享18赞 ptcg吧 天龙座的梦 话说初代喷火龙日版分几种啊,感觉好复杂 172 李商隐吧 Aerith_Strife 【读书】Seven Types of Ambiguity (七种歧义类型 )也译作 《朦胧的七种类型》,不知道有没有中译本。之前看一篇关于隐隐诗的论文里提到的,好像是蛮重要的著作。跑到图书馆里借了这本书,慢慢啃。看看英语作家的...
Three types of ambiguity exist. Understanding the differences between these will help you identify ambiguity in what others write and help you to avoid adding unintentional ambiguity in your own writing. In the following examples, identify the ambiguity ...
One of the primary findings is that the different types of ambiguity are handled in different ways by the language processing system. The research relies very heavily upon eye movement recording during reading to make inferences about how ambiguous sentences are processed. The eye movements provide ...
It describes the major semantic ambiguity displayed by definite and indefinite articles. It presents the different positions and forms of demonstratives and possessives. In doing so, it provides language-specific diagnostics to distinguish strong, weak and clitic forms that are found across all types...
three types of equilibria can obtain depending on the level and distribution of ambiguity aversion: (i) a mitigation equilibrium, (ii) an adaptation equilibrium and (iii) a mixed equilibrium with both adaptation and miti...
Reduces ambiguities: The process of developing the WBS involves the project manager, project team, and all relevant stakeholders. This encourages dialog and helps everyone involved flesh out their responsibilities. Thus, everyone has less ambiguity and a better idea of what they're supposed to do....
lateritbegantomeansomethingelse•Paperpapyrus(纸莎草)-纸•mainly:•(1)AssociatedTransfer•tooth,lip,nosecanusedtorefertothings:•thelipofawound,thenoseofaplane •(2)TransferbetweenabstractandConcreteMeanings •Room-space-房间(concrete)•Grasp抓-understand(abstract)•(3)Transferbetween...
52. According to the functions of affixes, how many groups can you put them into? What are their characteristics? 53. What is the difference between partial conversion and full conversion? 54. What are the characteristics of connotative meaning? 55. What are causes of ambiguity? VI. Analyze ...
( ) A.Elimination of ambiguity. B.Indication of referents. C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning. D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning. 23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.” is ambiguous due to ___.( ) A.grammatical context B.polysemy C.antonymy...