服务器资源信息 Game Server Resource Usage 为 游戏服务器资源使用情况 7 Days To Die Server Details 为 服务器详细信息(包括ip等) sdtdserver Script Details 为 服务器脚本信息 Backups 为 备份信息 Command-line Parameters 为 命令行参数 Ports 为 服务器端口信息 7 Days To Die Web Admin 为 网页控制台...
1. Where are my 7 Days to Die saves located? They are saved in the Roaming folder in your User's App Data. To find the folder, open the Run command on your PC, then type%AppData%and press "enter." After that, find the 7 Days to Die folder and head into it to find your game...
-- Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> 找一个地方新建一个目录用于存放存档,然后点击地址栏将路径复制下来,我这里是在桌面新建了一个叫7days_saves的目录,路径为C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\7days_saves\,根据自己目录实际路径修改配置项(目录最后...
SteamNetworking. Dedicated servers should disable SteamNetworking if there is no NAT router in between your users and the server or when port-forwarding is set up correctly --><propertyname="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs"value="512"/><!-...
7 Days to Die (Windows) - Console Commands Info Console Commands Info Press F1 at any time to open up the console. Commands can then be typed in and applied by pressing Enter. You can paste commands into the console as well. Just like a normal command line, you can use the up and ...
Option !Values !Description |- |EACEnabled |true |Enables/Disables EasyAntiCheat |- |IgnoreEOSSanctions |false |Ignore EOS sanctions when allowing players to join. ''(not 100% sure how this system functions currently. More details to come)'' |- |HideCommandExecutionLog |0 |Hide logging of...
To The 7 Days to Die Community When reporting bugs please try and post with your output log file located in your install location under the “7DaysToDie_Data” Folder. (Please use the support link for bug reports.) New save game required when installing mod for first time! Do not use ...
2019-10-27T16:01:17 0.251 INF Command line arguments: c:\games\68_232_167_44_25000\1337865\7daystodie\7DaysToDieServer.exe echo echo -quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile=serverconfig.xml -dedicated -ip -port 25000 -queryport 25001 -logfile c:/games/68_232_167_44_25...
Play 7 Days to Die as a balanced post apocalyptic zombie vanquishing Sorcerer. Through training and discovery, you’ll learn how to deport the undead straight back to hell by casting elemental spells of Fire, Ice and Lightning. Features
Notes - http://7daystodie.com/a16-early-streaming-release-notes/ Alpha 16 is out Hey Survivalists, Alpha 16 is out and is by far the largest content update we’ve ever done. So without further ado let’s get ready to rumble! Alpha 16 Official Release Notes! This update is the most...