Introducing The AC Teleports. These Teleports are for Alpha 20 brought to you by The A-Team. These Teleports add a new way of traveling to the miscellaneous selection. With these teleports you are able to travel from base to base and if you die, you can teleport straight to your backp...
Die 28 Times 1 guide Dig Deep & On Top of the World Dig Deep is unlocked by reaching the bottom of the world. You can use console commands to teleport there: Press F1 to open the console Type: teleport 0 0 0 Press Enter Press F1 to close the console You will automatically be return...
Descriptions for teleports now show the distances. Set AllowedRotations property to No45 on Land Claim Blocks to prevent clipping Enabled mesh collider convex on various doors to prevent players from getting stuck in them Updated collider on modularFireWoodStackC to allow projectiles to pass around ...
7 Days to Die mod: Add infinite distance, vertical-warp elevator panels. modpeer-to-peerelevatorwarpclient-sideteleportserver-side7daystodie7-days-to-diemodlet UpdatedDec 12, 2024 C# gorcon/telnet Star3 TELNET Implementation for 7 Days to Die in Go. ...
teleport teleport [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z] [offset x y z] [view direction] Teleports your character to the designated location. teleportplayer teleportplayer [steam id / player name / entity id] [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z] [view direction] ...
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Unity...
Ingame commands- Playermade teleports, ingame support system, ... Custom commands to expose console commands to players in a controlled way.Economy system- Let players earn money by playing, killing zombies, typing on your Discord server. They can spend their cash in your servers shop, telepo...
Changed in debug mode when you teleport the player using the coordinates the player is now set to the ground on spawning Changed torches to not have burn time any more Changed Yucca juice no longer provides any food Changed Yucca fruit no longer provides any water. Increased food from 3 to...
-当窗口打开时(例如:抢劫时),NPC Teleport命令将不再工作 -在本地化中删除了关于光环仅限于远程武器的引用 -修复流浪部落没有合适帽子的问题 -大大降低了可部署矿井的制造成本 -修复了不安全的战利品箱掉落并变回安全版本的问题 -修复了在短时间内选择排除神风特攻队的选项时出现的问题 -调整后的Lootbags停留时...
configfile=serverconfig.xml -dedicated -ip -port 25000 -queryport 25001 -logfile c:/games/68_232_167_44_25000/1337865/7daystodie/7DaysToDieServer_Data/output_log.txt -ServerPort=25000 -ServerMaxPlayerCount=8 -SaveGameFolder=c:/games/68_232_167_44_25000/1337865/7daystodie/...