–– 和后面的/>删掉保证与上一行对齐 ,然后在任意位置创建一个文件夹作为自定义存档保存位置,我是在桌面创建的,名字为7days_saves故把value后修改为C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\7days_saves\即可,反斜杠不要忘记加 将<property name=”ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols” value=”SteamNetworking”/>这一行删除掉...
win存档位置 C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\[GameWrold]\[GameName] win随机生成地图位置 C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\[GameWrold] linux存档位置 /root/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/[GameWrold]/[GameName] linux随机生成地图位置 /root/.local/...
-- Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> 找一个地方新建一个目录用于存放存档,然后点击地址栏将路径复制下来,我这里是在桌面新建了一个叫7days_saves的目录,路径为C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\7days_saves\,根据自己目录实际路径修改配置项(目录最后...
1. Where are my 7 Days to Die saves located? They are saved in the Roaming folder in your User's App Data. To find the folder, open the Run command on your PC, then type%AppData%and press "enter." After that, find the 7 Days to Die folder and head into it to find your game...
1. Where Is the Saves Folder of 7 Days To Die? To access the Saves folder of 7 Days To Die on your Windows PC, open Runusing the Windows + R shortcut. Once the Run utility is opened, type %AppData% and press the Enter key to open the AppDatafolder. Then, move to the folder...
服务器默认的存档位置的是 /home/sdtdserver/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/ 。 官方自带的地图文件夹位置是 /home/sdtdserver/serverfiles/Data/Worlds/ 。文件夹名字就是地图名字。 【注意:以下操作均在sdtdserver用户下操作】 4.1 修改服务器名称 (可修改) 在sdtdserver.xml文件中找到 ServerName ,修改val...
Find out how many gamers are playing and watching 7 Days to Die right now on Steam and Twitch. Get up-to-date player and viewer count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp!
~/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml # 服务器配置文件 ~/7DaysToDieServer/serverconfig.xml # 管理员配置文件 2.添加mod 想添加mod的同学看这里。 cd ~/7DaysToDieServer # cd至七日杀服务端主目录 mkdir Mods # 创建mods文件夹
其他配置根据⾃⼰喜好参考官⽅⽂档修改 https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/7_Days_to_Die_Dedicated_Server 6. 启动服务器 启动服务器, 因为 startserver.sh 会阻塞当前ssh窗⼝, 建议使⽤ nohup 和&结合, 新建⼀个脚本 startup.sh专门⽤来启动服务器,把⽇志输出到⽂件⾥.这样就可以...