Easy Anti-Cheat 需要同意第三方使用者授權合約(EULA) 7 Days to Die EULA 語言: 介面完整語音字幕 繁體中文✔ 英文✔ 法文✔ 德文✔ 西班牙文 - 西班牙✔ 查看全部 14 種支援的語言 包含43 項 Steam 成就 檢視 全部43 可兌換的點數商店物品 ...
Paramters can be set by yourself, and log files will show you the details of what happend, Additionally, Console command is also supported (command: naiwazi_anticheat), any server tools or manage tools can get infomation through Telnet or web console. 可自由设置反作弊的各种参数, 日志文件会记...
将Naiwazi_AntiCheat文件夹拷贝进服务端根目录的Mods文件夹, 运行服务端即可,默认网页面板端口为游戏端口+5,假如您的服务器IP为1.1.1.1,游戏端口为26900,那么您可以在浏览器中输入1.1.1.1:26905即可。如果还是不会,可以参照NaiwaziBot的安装方法(点此跳转) 访...
Anti-cheats used Easy Anti-Cheat About this game: 7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Navezgane awaits!
Launch game without EAC",或者在游戏启动器(7dLauncher.exe)中取消"Use EasyAntiCheat (EAC)"选项。
这种问题:检查一下游戏的完整性 ,重启再进 ,或者不从STEAM进入 从桌面的7DAYS TO DIE 7日杀快捷方式 或者查抄7日杀目录 一个大7的样子的地方进入断网的提示 检查自己的网络 链接服务器失败 : 从STEAM进入的 话会提示4个英语 :玩 7 DAYS TO DIE 第二句: LAUNCH WITHOUT ANTICHEAT 第三句:Install 32 ...
Be sure to disable Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) within the game launcher (7dLauncher.exe) Full Stats Unlimited Stack Split Craft For Free Enable Craft Button Instant Craft Unlimited Ammo Backpack Pointer How to use this cheat table? Install Cheat Engine Double-click the .CT file in order to open...
7 Days to Die is an open world, voxel-based, sandbox game blending the best elements of FPS, Survival Horror, RPG and Tower Defense style games. RankServerPlayersStatusTags 1 0.01.02 20 / 100AnticheatDifficulty 3 2 1.01.02 21 / 45 ...
Change theEACEnabledproperty tofalse. 5: Savethe filethenRestartyour server. Once you have restarted your server, Easy Anti-Cheat will be disabled and players will no longer be kicked when the server detects they may be cheating. Jay Miller ...
V. EASY ANTI CHEAT Licensor is using EasyAntiCheat anti-cheat service (“EasyAntiCheat”), which is operated by a third-party service provider offering services to Licensor. EasyAntiCheat has a client software (“Client”) that is integrated into the Software. When you start a new game sess...