Alpha 21 Versions DOWNLOADPreppocalypse forA21(214,2 MB) DOWNLOADOptional Mods forA21(96 Slot Inventory, up from current 60, Always Open Trader, and Fast Forge Fill And Empty)(6 KB) DOWNLOADPreppo8K02 forA21(93,6 MB) DOWNLOADPreppo6K forA21(48,7 MB) DOWNLOADPreppo6KJune2024 forA21(48 ...
DOWNLOADFull Launcher Version forV1(8 GB) Alpha 21 DOWNLOADFull Launcher Version forA21(5,6 GB) If you appreciate War3zuk’s work and you want to show support, use thisdonate link. If you need help, you can use thissupport link. Credits:War3zuk...
Experimental mod for 7 Day to Die (Alpha 21) that forces sleeper volumes to spawn in sleepers within a certain range, even if the trigger is not yet activated. Intended to fix issues with pop-in spawning and clear quests failing to spawn in all zombies.By default, sleeper volume triggers...
Update version: Alpha 19.5 Stable, Alpha 19.5 B7 ExperimentalGame: 7 Days to DieSteam: 4 几年前 GmoonZ https://yo...
Pictured - 7 Days to Die Alpha 21 on Fedora KDE, click to enlarge. Even more: Perk system overhaul. The Spear now has a power-attack rather than being thrown. Recipe tracker so you don't lose sight of what you're gathering.
PCGAME-7.Days.To.Die.Alpha.14.7.Steam.Edition.X64.Cracked-3DM.torrent 32位版本:官方暂未发布...
Alpha 12.3 Added Added land claim recipe using 9 steel ingots, and removed broken tungsten old legacy recipe Added steel arrow-heads as a rare loot drop in junk Added iron log spikes with scrap iron that deal more damage and last longer. Changed Changed fat zombie cop loot to use ammo...
首发《七日杀(7 Days to Die)》Alpha 13.3 物品说明汉化版---下载地址上传中(好了会在2楼补,提前预告是因为省的你们提前下了英文再下这个麻烦!)---
Dovahtracker Alpha 01 May 2013 Zaldiir Dovahtracker is a modification by Tytanis for Skyrim that enables you to track and share your characters in real-time. Every single detail about your character is tracked, from items to stats and everything in between. It can even track your mods, ...