我们还有另一个稳定的 Alpha 20 补丁。 由于团队的绝大多数成员都在A21上全力以赴,我们花了一些时间来合并对A20的修复和更改,供您享受。 由于Microsoft 要求 ,自定义预制件无法再直接保存到游戏文件夹中。 它们将被保存到用户定义的文件夹 (UDF) 中。 此默认位置为: \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\LocalPrefabs ...
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Unity...
7 Days To Die Survival Alpha 20.6 - 7 Days to Die Vanilla No Traders Allowed -账号已注销 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多热门 17.5万 196 5:04 App 我的世界Minecraft联机模块重新启动!【内测】【理论吃满家庭带宽】【可多启动器】【自动选择】【方便稳定】 热门 12.4万 994 13:13 ...
The vanilla game (in a19) takes approx 7 hours [real time] for an untreated infection to reach 100%. This mod changes that to 3 hours (max allowed real time) and adds an element of randomness so each time you get infected so you may have a chance of having less time to treat the...
And a small 6K World for June. It has a little customisation for the Biome to add Burnt Forest and ensure each Biome has a Trader. Alpha 21 Versions DOWNLOADPreppocalypse forA21(214,2 MB) DOWNLOADOptional Mods forA21(96 Slot Inventory, up from current 60, Always Open Trader, and Fast ...
We are working to get the older Points of Interest to have current pictures. All Zombies have updated images for the current Alpha as seen here List of Zombies. Any little bit people can do or contribute to the Wiki is a big help. If you love the game as we do, take a second to ...
Re: 7 Days to Die [Steam] 0 Post by yamamotosan » Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:04 am It's still usable in Alpha 19.4 version but after I exit the game and came back to play next day then activate the Food&Water cheat, Unity Crash pop up and the game crash, which I still don't...
20 November 202411:10PM Created by AMG5TAG Uploaded by Alpha5TAG Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files1 Images1 Videos0 Posts2 Bugs0 Logs Stats About this mod Adds the ability to harvest more items from different blocks ...
Benvenuto nella 7 Days to Die Wiki Ufficiale “7 Days to Die”è un nuovo gioco di sopravvivenza e crafting creato dai The Fun Pimps. Nell'anno 2034 un attacco nucleare ha decimato la terra, e la popolazione rimasta è infetta da un virus sconosciuto. Gli infetti muoiono entro 7 ...
A7 Days to Die Dedicated Serveris used for playing with multiple people in the same world. Servers can be hosted by yourself, as well as by a company. Servers used to only allow up to 4 people, but that was changed as of Alpha 1.1Official siteCurrently only 8-player Co-op is supporte...