-- Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> 找一个地方新建一个目录用于存放存档,然后点击地址栏将路径复制下来,我这里是在桌面新建了一个叫7days_saves的目录,路径为C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\7days_saves\,根据自己目录实际路径修改配置项(目录最后...
7 Days to Die Item IDs With the command console open, you can give your character in 7 Days to Die the desired item by using the giveself command along with their item ids. For example, if you want the Bone Knife, you must input the following command: giveself meleeBoneShiv. With th...
However, the process to use console commands may not be common knowledge, let alone what command to use. Due to this, Apex Hosting will teach you how to use them and the best ones for your 7 Days to Die experience.How to Use Commands...
服务器资源信息 Game Server Resource Usage 为 游戏服务器资源使用情况 7 Days To Die Server Details 为 服务器详细信息(包括ip等) sdtdserver Script Details 为 服务器脚本信息 Backups 为 备份信息 Command-line Parameters 为 命令行参数 Ports 为 服务器端口信息 7 Days To Die Web Admin 为 网页控制台...
Removed the hunters journal books from airdrops Removed legendary parts Cobalt crafting is now exclusive to the blast furnace Robot projectiles can now go through bars Reduced the amount of ammo in military pallets Removed stumble forward mechanic from entities ...
LootAbundance100percentage in whole numbersNote that this only affects stack sizes, not % to get loot. LootRespawnDays7days in whole numbers AirDropFrequency72How often airdrop occur in game-hours, 0=never AirDropMarkertrueSets if a marker is added to map/compass for air drops ...
Fixed pickable Items dropped to the ground if backpack and toolbelt are full Fixed nerfed wood log spike damage Fixed sniper rifle shoots through the walls Fixed airdrops & crates from disappearing Fixed cars showing as black sometimes (fix part 2) Fixed bullets can no longer shoot through co...
All default game settings, unless you want to turn up the size of the hordes. It’s recommended to have loot respawn set to 7 days and turn airdrops OFF. If you die, the game is over. You must survive until you are able to build a gyrocopter and fly off the roof. ...
Console not behaving properly when an executed command throws an error Pressing Tab during Building Environment skips to the game while it is not yet ready Water tower 3 floats in RG RWG Terrain Density Mismatch Issue Added vault hatch icons and fixed broken XML name on wood hatch icons. Missi...
你在购买Steam正版游戏时,Steam会直接给你相应游戏的搭建服务器工具,只是一般不会显示出来。 在你的游戏库中搜索:294420 把这个工具下载下来(建议不要下载到C盘,如果你电脑强大可以忽略) 或者在商店页面搜索 294420 或者 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server