在你设置的SaveGameFolder路径中的新建一个文件名为serveradmin.xml的文件(比如我的路径是/home/sdtdserver/serverfiles/ ,就在这个地方创建serveradmin.xml的文件即可)。然后可以将下文的serveradmin.xml文件配置复制到里面。 4.8.3 添加管理员 在serveradmin.xml文件里面的<admins> </admins>中,...
七日杀添加腐竹和管理..配置文件:我的文档-7DaysToDie Savesserveradmin.xml里面admin下面<admins> <!-- <admin steamID
7 Days to Die ist ein open world, voxel-based, sandbox Spiel, welches die besten Elemente aus den Genres FPS, Survival Horror, RPG und Tower Defense mischt. 7 Days to Die möchte seine Nische erarbeiten um Spielern das zu geben was sie wirklich wollen. Dazu bedient es sich einer ei...
See how you can help contribute to the 7 Days to Die Wiki !. Remember to maintain a standard for grammar and punctuation in your contributions, please. Register Register an account to keep track of your contributions. Main page sections:Top·Flex·Bottom. Changes for the main page can be ...
7 Days to Die Mod: Keep nests and trash bags from breaking when they are looted. loot7daystodie7-days-to-diea21 UpdatedJul 7, 2024 7 Days to Die mod: Add admin tools and a craftable remote control to turn on/off land claim block boundaries. ...
~/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml # 服务器配置文件 ~/7DaysToDieServer/serverconfig.xml # 管理员配置文件 2.添加mod 想添加mod的同学看这里。 cd ~/7DaysToDieServer # cd至七日杀服务端主目录 mkdir Mods # 创建mods文件夹
你在购买Steam正版游戏时,Steam会直接给你相应游戏的搭建服务器工具,只是一般不会显示出来。 在你的游戏库中搜索:294420 把这个工具下载下来(建议不要下载到C盘,如果你电脑强大可以忽略) 或者在商店页面搜索 294420 或者 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server
A massive siege is coming, and you need to get prepared. Here's how to get ahead using Item IDs and console commands in 7 Days to Die.
New: Admin Games Super 7Days Kart– Custom Vehicle that is able to use (Shift) items/attacks. Item Box– When you cross the item box you get 1 of 5 random items/attacks. Stopwatch– Can be used (LMB) to change the number of laps or restart (RMB) races. ...
Apex Predator Gaming runs multiple PVE servers with a seasoned Admin team dedicated to providing a top-notch gaming experience with a focus on quality, fairness, and community spirit. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌟 ✨ Professional Admin Team: Always available to help and ensure smooth, fair gameplay...