本题看似有些复杂,需要把字符串时间转换成我们熟悉的int类型来判断时间的早晚.其实这里有个更方便的方法,就是直接利用strcmp(str1,str2)来比较时间. 注意输完M后getchar()掉回车. View Code 1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum ★★ Tips: 这题真心是郁闷要死了.自己没有看太清题目,加上题目给的实例又比较特殊,...
7-1 Maximum Subsequence Sum (25分) 解题思路:寻找最大子列和,并输出最大子列和的第一个数和最后一个数 #include <stdio.h>intmain(intargc,char**agrv) {intn;inti; scanf("%d",&n);inta[n];intb[2];intsum=0;intmax=0;intcnt=0,count=0,tmp=0;for(i=0; i<n; i++) { scanf("%d...
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n,m=-1,b=0; scanf("%d",&n); int a[n],s=0,e=0,l,r; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { cin>>a[i]; b+=a[i]; e=i; if(b>m) { m=b;//更新最值以及起终点 l=s; r=e; } if(b<0) { b=0;//重置起点 s=...
For each test case, output in one line the largest sum, together with the first and the last numbers of the maximum subsequence. The numbers must be separated by one space, but there must be no extra space at the end of a line. In case that the maximum subsequence is not unique, out...
Is Subsequence - two-pointer 81 -- 11:30 App leetcode-2925. Maximum Score After Applying Operations on a Tree - recursion 13 -- 17:09 App leetcode 523. Continuous Subarray Sum - dict, partial sum 58 -- 12:38 App leetcode-1759. Count Number of Homogenous Substrings 38 -- 10:...
0891 Sum of Subsequence Widths Go 31.9% Hard 0892 Surface Area of 3D Shapes Go 58.9% Easy 0893 Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings 66.5% Easy 0894 All Possible Full Binary Trees 75.2% Medium 0895 Maximum Frequency Stack Go 60.6% Hard 0896 Monotonic Array Go 57.9% Easy 0897 Increasi...
0392-is-subsequence.py 0394-decode-string.py 0410-split-array-largest-sum.py 0416-partition-equal-subset-sum.py 0417-pacific-atlantic-water-flow.py 0424-longest-repeating-character-replacement.py 0435-non-overlapping-intervals.py 0438-find-all-anagrams-in-a-string.py 0...
Given a sequence of n numbers, with at least one positive value, the maximum subsequence sum problem consists in finding the contiguous subsequence with the largest sum or score, among all derived subsequences of the original sequence. Several scientific applications have used algorithms that solve ...
504. Base 7 # 题目 # Given an integer num, return a string of its base 7 representation. Example 1: Input: num = 100 Output: "202" Example 2: Input: num = -7 Output: "-10" Constraints: -10000000 <= num <= 10000000 题目大意 # 给定一个整数 num,将其
tempSum = i; } } returntrue; } } Solution code can also be found here:https://github.com/all4win/LeetCode.git Posted inLeetCode,LeetCode Hardon2016年10月22日.Leave a comment LeetCode 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix