6T45E 6T40E 6T40 6T45 Automatic Transmission Valve Body Plungers Car Accessories For Chevrolet Cruze Buick Attention In order to avoid unnecessary trouble between us,please confirm the item fits your car when you are purchasing! If you're not sure,please tell me the part number or send me some...
Complete Set:A comprehensive 7PCS set to restore your transmission's smooth shifting performance. Warranty Assurance:Comes with a 12-month warranty for peace of mind during your transmission repairs. OEM Compatibility:Precise OEM NO. 6T45 ensures a perfect fit for Chevrolet, Buick, and Saab models...
Designed to meet the demands of modern driving, these plungers are engineered to enhance the overall performance of your vehicle's transmission system. **Seamless Integration and Installation** The installation process of these valve body plungers is designed to be straightforward, allowing for a ...
6T40 6T30 6T45 6T50 Genuine Transmission Gearbox Assemblies For Chevrolet Malibu Cruze Buick Attention: 1. We support wholesale/direct sales business and look forward to your visit. 2. After receiving the product, confirm receipt + 5-star positive feedback, we can give you a discount after pla...
通用6T40 6T45新君威变速器维修资.pdf,通用6T406T45新君威变速器维修资用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册17-125档车驻无17.1.4.58 17-69 P0990者或 、P0989 、P0878 、P0877 17-124 漏泄液油器速变动自17.1.4.57 、P0873 、P0872 、P0843 、P0842DTC 17
汽配人网为您提供广州市龙曜汽车配件有限公司公司的Automatic Transmission Solenoid Set 6T40 6T30E 6T40E 6T45E 6T50E 6T30 Fits for Buic-k LaCrosse Auto 6T40 6T30E 6T40E 6T45E 6T50E 图片,高清图集以及Automatic Transmission Solenoid Set 6T40 6T30E 6T40E 6T45E
transmission’scomponents,whichenablesconsistentoperationforthelifeofthe transaxle.Ifadrivermanuallyselectsalowrange,butthenfailstoupshiftathigher speeds,thecontrolsystemsprotecttheenginefromover-revvingbyautomatically shiftingtoahighergear. Thecontrollersalsoreduceenginesparkduringabusiveshiftsthatoccurduring “rocking”ma...
МинимальныйЗаказ Цена FOB дляСправки 100 Комплекты ЦенаДоговорная Спецификации Тип комплекттрансмиссии Материал Резина ...
将点火开关置于 ON(打开)位置,确认故障诊断仪“TransmissionOSS(变速器输出轴转速传感器)”参数在 745–825转/分之间。 如果不在规定范围内,则更换控制电磁阀总成。参见“控制电磁阀和变速器控制模块总成的更换”。 控制电磁阀和变速器控制模块总成电磁阀性能测试 ...
Application/response moving in manipulation of the range PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a range detector of automatic transmission which appropriately determines an actually selected range when an output of an inhibitor switch detecting a range selected with a shift lever is abnormal....