6800 (JPY) to Brazilian Real(BRL) 266.6126 6800 (JPY) to South African Rand(ZAR) 838.53029 6800 (JPY) to Russian Ruble(RUB) 3918.9613 6800 (JPY) to Singapore Dollar(SGD) 61.09812 6800 (JPY) to South Korean Won(KRW) 66667.85417 6800 (JPY) to Taiwanese Dollar(TWD) 1510.46765 6800 (JPY)...
BaseCurrency string 法币币种,支持CNY、USD、EUR、GBP、AUD、HKD、TWD、SGD Amount string 订单金额,此金额为法币BaseCurrency转换为Currency币种后的金额 ActualAmount string 订单金额,此金额为法币金额 FromAddress string 付款地址 ToAddress string 收款地址 Status int 状态0 等待支付 1 已支付 2 订单过期 P...