IHC staining of human breast cancer using 67167-1-Ig Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human breast cancer tissue slide using 67167-1-Ig (FABP4 antibody) at dilution of 1:800 (under 10x lens). Heat mediated antigen retrieval with Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 9.0).Ready-to-use IHC ki...
¥2200/100 μL Cat No.67167-1-Ig 浓度:1000 μg/ml 库存:现货 收藏 点击咨询售前客服 点击咨询售后客服 mouseWB Stem Cell Res Ther Oncostatin M receptor regulates osteoblast differentiation via extracellular signal-regulated kinase/autophagy signaling. ...