Message-digest algorithm 5 (MD5) authentication: A configured password is hashed using an algorithm such as MD5, and the ciphertext password is added to packets for authentication. This authentication mode improves password security. Currently, MD5 and hash-based message authentication code for MD5 ...
When configuring a cleartext password, do not start and end the password with %+%# or %@%# because this will allow the password to be considered as a valid ciphertext that can be decrypted by the device and make it visible in the configuration file. Ciphertext passwords set for various ...
Hi team, I just want to provide a feedback about the disappointment that my computer cannot be upgraded to Windows 11. I've been a big fan and supporter of Microsoft in the past 14 years ever since ... Romi0885I have the same processor and iam running windows 11 ...
The system information tab includes text that is similar to the install error: platform unsupported. I have since uninstalled the software.All attempts to reinstall XTU after this point have failed.2. This indeed was full clean install. The boot drive was wiped, and I installed from a fr...
If you replace the module and then receive a warning message, remove the module to restore computer functionality, and then contact technical support through Help and Support. Enable airflow to cool internal components. NOTE: The computer fan starts up automatically to cool internal components and ...
Hello Romi. Can you tell me what the workaround was/is so that I can also make use of my i7-6700 on my Dell, and so I can upgrade my computer to Windows 11. Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Learn more about your Sonim XP6 (XP6700) Get support for Sonim XP6 (XP6700) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, troubleshooting, email, and more from AT&T
(Ascii, UTF-8 and UTF-16) Rescan pointerscans on pointerscans that where done on a range can now change the offset lua: speak(): Text to speech hookWndProc: a function that lets you hook the windows message handler of a window registerEXETrainerFeature: Lets you add extra files to ...
header shell text 可选 配置登录终端界面前的欢迎信息 header motd text 可选 输入欢迎信息时,信息内容支持单行输入和多行输入两种方式: (1) 单行输入 该方式下,命令关键字与欢迎信息的所有内容在同一行中输入,输入内容的起始符和结束符必须相同,这两字符不作为欢迎信息的内容。此时包括命令关键字、起始符和...
The strings for News Feed contain the basic text of a message and include the type of activity performed, such as account, dispute, payment, and so on. You can customize and localize the strings for News Feed (for example, ”Payment reversed”). To do so, you edit a copy of theBRM_...