Cat No.66866-1-Ig 浓度:1000 ug/ml 库存:现货 点击咨询售前客服 点击咨询售后客服 humanWB Extracellular vesicles from lung tissue drive bone marrow neutrophil recruitment in inflammation. WB Sci Adv Avian ANP32A incorporated in avian influenza A virions promotes interspecies transmission by priming early...
For other applications, we recommend the unconjugated version of this antibody, 66866-1-Ig 推荐稀释比 ApplicationDilution Immunofluorescence (IF)-P IF-P : 1:50-1:500 It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results. Sample-dependent, Check...
国有农牧业用地2.1亿hm 2,人均约11.5hm 2。2017年末国内生产总值(GDP )1594.07亿美元,人均收入7931.35美元。牛(含水牛)存栏总量6774594头,牛出栏量2578290头,牛肉产量45.04万t ,人均牛肉占有量24.74kg ,牛肉产量估值14.14亿美元。哈萨克斯坦属于温带大陆性气候区。1月平均气温-18~-4℃,7月平均气温19~26...