参考 6502 Schematic.pdf 6502 Circuit Diagram EMU rassia - 6502 decoder 6502 decoder tool
目前我能找到的电路图有两个。一个是一份 PDF 文档(6502 Schematic.pdf),这份文档中的电路图虽然没有详细到每根线都画出来,但关键组件的电路图都有,算是很简洁的一份电路图。另一份是电路图是 GitHub 上有人整理的一个 SVG 版本的电路图(下图),这份电路图非常详尽,详细到每根线、每个晶体管都有,是非常好...
The files are about 100 kiloBytes each. acornSchematicL.tif Main board schematic (Left side). acornSchematicR.tif Main board schematic (Right side; overlaps Left). acornSchematicIO.tif Keyboard schematic (single page). This page was created on 2025.03.07. Photographs and HTML text © ...
Name Acorn Microcomputer (also known as the Acorn System 1) Manufacturer Acorn Computers Limited (United Kingdom) Microprocessor MOS Technologies MPS 6502 Clock speed 1.008 MHz (the schematic says 1 MHz) (many thanks to Nigel Kendrick who noticed this) Power consumption 2.7 Watts (excluding...
但对于我们的模拟器来说,处理器的大部分功能都不需要关注,这是一个电路图(an electrical schematic),而我们不需要在电气层面(electrical circuit level)进行模拟。 2-5、CPU的运算过程。 (从9分07秒到10分05秒) 我们以为的CPU运算过程:每当CPU的时钟转动,它就会通过程序指针(PC)输出一个地址到总线上,然后总线...
Neo6502 schematic in PDF format Neo6502 GitHub with KiCAD source files SOFTWARE Paul Robson Neo6502 BASIC GitHub repository and online emulator Mad-Pascal and Mad-Assemler and sample code CP/M-65 port and video TalyForth2 and neo port binary Veselin Sladkov Apple ][ and Oric Atmos emulators...
First: a very basic whole-computer schematic Notes: Three clock options are shown. You will need to pick one. Donotinstall the parts for all three on the same board. For using an oscillator can that goes into a 14-pin DIP socket, omit C4, C5, C6, Y1, and R4. ...
RC6502 Debug Debug module schematic reworked Jun 24, 2019 RC6502 Joystick Accidentally put 74LS373 instead of 74LS374 Mar 4, 2019 RC6502 PSG Commit PSG changes from last year Jan 21, 2020 RC6502 Prototyping Added prototyping module Feb 10, 2019 RC6502 RAM Updated RAM board BOM Feb 17, 201...
自用Protek 6502,原装韩国货!全新买回来的,包装还在!保证性能完全良好!要退出维修界了!500元出售!...
本项目旨在为ASR650x系列芯片提供Arduino便利的开发环境与例程库,方便用户完成对ASR650x系列芯片的快速部署与开发。 说明 产品型号列表: MCURelative boards ASR6501CubeCell-Board,CubeCell-Module,CubeCell-Cuapsule ASR6502Coming soon 安装指南 首先,确保你的电脑上已经安装了最新的Arduino IDE。如果没有安装,请参考...