这次我要讲解的通用型6502宏汇编器是"6502 Macroassembler & Simulator"。中文意思是“6502宏汇编与模拟器”,名字有点长,我们以后简称"6502Sim"。下载可以我的"网盘"。具体在 "NES Tool Kit" 文件夹中。文件名:01_NES第一波_如何用通用型6502宏汇编器_制用NES_FC游戏.zip 本文下面提到的工具,还有后续博文用...
An account of the writing of a FORTH macroassembler for the 6502 microprocessor is given. The processors mnemonics were divided into groups and taken care of by five routines using two FORTH words. Examples are presented designed to run under the implementation of fig-FORTH for the Microtan ...
cc65 is a complete cross-development package for 65(C)02 systems, including a powerful macro assembler, a C compiler, linker, archiver, simulator and several other tools. cc65 has C and runtime library support for many of the old 6502 machines. For details look at thecc65 web site: ...
max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family. It is useful for many systems but it specifically targets 8-bit Acorn computers like the Electron and BBC Micro. This user guide explains how to use max65 but is not a tutorial on 65xx assembly programming. There ar...
令我感到极度兴奋的是 6502_Macroassembler &Simulator有强大的宏功能.这无疑使程序 的编写又简单方便许多了. 我们先说说宏的格式 宏名:.MACRO 宏虚参数1, 宏虚参数2,宏虚参数3... 宏体 .ENDM 这里.MACRO和.ENDM必须成对出现 宏调用的格式: 宏名...
finish # if so we're done jsr 0xffd2 # chrout inx # increment index jmp :load # if not load the next character label :finish rts # back to basic(s) label :msg data "HELLO WORLD#" end code = hello_world.call # compile the macro puts code.dump # print detailed #puts code.to...