Bearing Numbers 轴承代号 Open开式 Shielded防尘盖型 Sealed 密封圈型 6300 ZZ VV DDU With Snap Ring Groove带止动环槽 N WithSnapRing带止动环 NR Snap Ring Groove Dimensions(1)止动环槽尺寸(mm) a(最大) b(最小) D1(最大) r0(最大) rN(最小) 2.06 1.35 33.17 0.40 0.5 Snap Ring (1)Dimen...
轴承型号Bearing Numbers外型尺寸Boundary dimensions额定负荷Load rating N参考重量(闭式)Weightkg 内径外径宽度Width B倒角动负荷Cr静负荷Cor ZPL BearingdD开式OPEN闭式Closedrsmin mminchmminchmminchmminchmminch 63440.1575160.629950.196950.19690.30.01218806800.0054 ...
軸承規格類別 Bearing Numbers 開放型 Open 6300 遮蓋型 Shield ZZ 6300ZZ 密封型 非接觸式 Noncontact Seal LLB 6300LLB 低轉矩 Low Torque Type LLH 6300LLH 密封型 接觸式 Contact Seal LLU 6300LLU 附 環溝 Snap Ring Groove 6300N 附 扣環 Snap Ring 6300NR 環溝尺寸(mm) Snap Ring Groove Dimensions ...
轴承型号 外型尺寸Boundary dimensions 额定负荷Load rating N 参考重量(闭式)Weight kg 内径 外径 宽度 倒角 动负荷Cr 静负荷Cor Bearing Numbers d D B rsmin mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch 62000 10 0.3937 26 1.0236 10 0.3937 0.3 0.012 4160 1780 0.0220 62001 12 0.4724 28 1.1024 10 0.3937 0....
Deep Groove Ball Bearing Whatsapp: +8613562072600 E-mail: Product Inruiry Related Products 6300 Series Bearing NO.Dimensions(mm)Weight(Kg) d1DB 63011237120.0586 63021542130.082 63031747140.109 63042052150.142 63052562170.25 ...
Boundary dimensions Basic load ratings LimitingGrease speedslub. (min Oil lub. -1) Bearing No. (Refer.) (mm) (kN) Mass d D B r Cr C0r OpenZ, ZZ (RD, 2RD) (RS, 2RS) Open Open Shielded Sealed Open type min. RU, 2RU Z ZZ 2RU 2RD 2RS ...
The open type means that the bearing has no sealing structure. The sealed deep groove ball is divided into dust-proof seal and oil-proof seal. The dust-proof seal cover is made of steel plate, which only serves as a simple way to prevent dust from entering...
Bearing NO(mm) Boundary Dimensions(Kn)Dynamic Load RatingCr(Kn)Static Load RatingCor(r/min) Limit Rotational Speed (Kg) Weight dDB Grease Lubrication Oil Lubrication 63001035117.653.4722000260000.0532 63011237129.724.2020000240000.0574 630215421311.445.4317000200000.080...
Bearing NO (mm)Boundary Dimensions (Kn) (Kn) (r/min) Limit Rotational Speed (Kg) Weight d D B Dynamic Load Rating Cr Static Load Rating Cor Grease Lubrication Oil Lubrication 6000 10 26 8 4.58 1.97 30000 36000 0.019 6001 12 28 8 5.11 2.39 28000 32000 0.021...
相关型号 DeepGrooveBallBearing 品牌:TOWE 发布询价 我要找货 Bearing No. 6305 Principal Dimensions d 25 D 62 B 17 r(min.) 1.1 Basic Load Ratings(kN) Dynamic(Cr) 20.6 Static(Cor) 11.3 Limiting Speed Grease(r/min) 11000 Oil(r/min) 13000 Weight Kg(pc) 0.232...