广州天驰机电设备有限公司代理经销商销售: SKF轴承 W6208-2RS1, 深沟球轴承W6208-2RS1产品相关规格类型尺寸信息: 型号:W6208-2RS1 , 内径:40mm , 外径:80mm , 厚度:18mm , 品牌:SKF轴承, 类型:深沟球轴承, 需要更多的了解SKF轴承W6208-2RS1的相关信息,可以进行在线咨询或者拨打热线电话 ,我们会详细为您服务。
Deep groove ball bearing with seals or shields Single row deep groove ball bearings with seals or shields are particularly versatile, have low friction and are optimized for low noise and low vibration, which enables high rotational speeds. They accommodate radial and axial loads in both directions...
苏州凯诺永晟轴承有限公司代理经销商销售: SKF轴承 6208-2RS1/W64, 进口调心滚子轴承6208-2RS1/W64产品相关规格类型尺寸信息: 型号:6208-2RS1/W64 , 内径:300mm , 外径:500mm , 厚度:200mm , 品牌:6208-2RS1/W64轴承, 类型:调心滚子轴承, SKF轴承6208-2RS1/W64多少钱?请拨打销售热线:18021619717 ...
Deep groove ball bearing with seals or shields Single row deep groove ball bearings with seals or shields are particularly versatile, have low friction and are optimized for low noise and low vibration, which enables high rotational speeds. They accommodate radial and axial loads in both directions...
企业网站: www.tlk-skf-bearing.com 联系地址 公司地址: 上海市奉贤区立新路281-289号(单)1层 咨询底价 爱企查 关于我们用户协议免责声明 友情链接:爱采购加盟星 联系我们 用户反馈:点此反馈 商务合作:bd-aiqicha@baidu.com 数据来源 国家企业信用信息公示系统信用中国中国裁判文书网 中国执行信息公开网国家...
SKF 6208-2RS1/W64轴承 SKF 6208-2RS1/W64轴承是一款深沟球轴承。尺寸参数 型号:6208-2RS1/W64 品牌:SKF 系列:深沟球轴承, 单列, 含Solid Oil, 两面密封件 内径:40mm 外径:80mm 厚度:18mm