DAN 422 DMS 2234TSM 42.03.66 DON 45 EN 2126 DON 45TSM 42.03.67 DSN 1106 MMS 159 FMS-3004TSM 42.03.71 EAC MS 1004 SONACA Spec. 7075 MEP 02-013 Std. TypeWL 3.4394 EN 3982 STD 113627 MEP 02-013 Type IEN 3983 TH 5.316/3 MEP 02-013 Type II<...
If, within this period, the manu facturer elects to test specime ns, which thereup on fail to meet the requireme nt 30、s, they can discard these original test results and test additional specimens selected after four days of aging. These specime ns shall be selected from the same ...