六分钟步行距离试验(6 minute walkingdistance,6MWD),是指患者在6分钟内步行尽量远的距离,速度由受试者自己控制,中途可以放慢速度或停下休息。 6分钟步行试验需要Get的要点 我们常常听到这样的对话: 患者:“6分钟步行试验怎么做?” 美女护士小花:“您就按着我的指示走6分钟...
Six-minute walking distance in healthy Chinese people older than 60 years,BMC Pulmonary Medicine (2020) 20:1 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请。
六分钟步行距离试验(6 minute walkingdistance,6MWD),是指患者在6分钟内步行尽量远的距离,速度由受试者自己控制,中途可以放慢速度或停下休息。 6分钟步行试验需要Get的要点 我们常常听到这样的对话: 患者:“6分钟步行试验怎么做?” 美女护士小花:“您就按着我的指示走6分钟的路就可以了。” 乍一看,这话好像没...
Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD),6分钟步行距离试验作为一种亚极量运动试验,6MWT能较好地复制患者日常生理状态,反映患者生理状态下的心肺功能,是一种无创、简单、安全的临床实验。简便易行、易被患者接受患者在平直坚硬的走廊内6分钟行走的最大距离 环境 n没...
1) 6 minutes walking distance 6分钟步行距离 2) 6-minute walk test 6分钟步行距离试验 1. AIM: To discuss the clinical value of 6MWT(6-minute walk test) in appraising themPAP(mean pulmonary artery pressure) changement of patients with IPAH(Idiopathicpulmonary arterial hypertension). ...
6分钟步行距离,6-minute walk distance 1)6-minute walk distance6分钟步行距离 1.Spirometric testing including forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV_1),percentage of the predicted volume (FEV_1%pred),forced vital capacity(FVC),6-minute walk distance,total cell counts and differential neutrophils...
内科昆明医学院第二附属医院心内科 白文伟白文伟 心功能评价方法NYHA 心功能分级KILLIP 心功能分级收缩功能、舒张功能评价生化指标运动试验BNP levels and NYHA class of HFNYHA ClassBNP level (pg/ml) I244 + 286 II389 + 374 III640 + 447 IV817 + 435Stair climbing6-minute walking testShuttle-walk test...
64、 test for assessing exercise capacity in chronic heart failure. BMJ1986; 292:653 - 655. 53. Troosters T, Gosselink R, Decramer M. Six minute walking distance in healthy elderly subjects. Eur Respir J 1999;14:270 - 274. Abstract 54. Weiss RA, et al. Six minute walk test in seve...
求翻译:The 6-minute walking distance (6MWD) was investigated in all four studies. Pooling the results of 157 and 156 participants from usual care and PR, respectively,14,15,17,22 yielded a statistically significant mean difference in walking distance of 25.71 m, favoring PR (95% CI: [15.76...
The 6-minute walking distance (6MWD) is an excellent measure of both functional endurance and health. The primary aim of this study was to estimate temporal trends in 6MWD for older Japanese adults between 1998 and 2017; the secondary aim was to estimate concurrent trends in body size (i....