While there are currently 1,066 industries in NAICS, there are over 10,000 industry code possibilities using the SIC 6-Digit Codes. When requesting a business list, feel free to use whichever system is comfortable, as Business Data Specialists are well-versed in the mapping and cross-analysis...
For example if you need to export or import Cereals from/to any country, the customs department and other government and non government agencies of respective country identify your product on the basis of harmonized system code. If you are importing or exporting Cereals, the 6 digit harmonized s...
In this post, I have mentioned HS codes which help exporters and importers of TOBACCO and MANUF. TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES. These HS codes helps exporters and importers of TOBACCO and MANUF. TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES to identify their product to use in customs department and other government and non government...
6 digits HS codes Chapter 8450 to 8460 6 digits HS codes Chapter 8461 to 8470 6 digits HS codes Chapter 8471 to 8485 In this post, I have mentioned HS codes which help exporters and importers of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY and EQUIP and PARTS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIP. SOUND RECORDERS, TELEVISION RE...
the 6 digit harmonized system code mentioned in this article is accepted all over world. In other words, the export and import of Beverages , Spirits and Vinegar are categorized productwise under the information mentioned here. These harmonized system codes (HS codes) have been displayed in this...
📌 Chapters have 2-digit codes and are consistent internationally.📌 1.章节有 2 位数字代码,并且在国际上保持一致。📌 Headings have 4-digit codes (the first two represent the chapter) and are consistent internationally.📌2.标题有 4 位数字代码(前两位代表章节),并且在国际上保持一致。📌...
Under All Categories, we have divided the list of HSN Codes into 23 major divisions. Navigate from this menu to the 2-digit, 4-digit, 6-digit, and 8-digit HSN Codes. By clicking on a four-digit code, you may find GST rates for HSN Codes. ...
We start down the list of descriptions at the first level of indentation—and we see dried raisins listed in 6-digit subheading 0806.20.Then we need only to ask, “Do we want to classify dried raisins made from seedless grapes (subheading 0806.20.10) or other dried raisins (subheading 0806.2...
Material: Premium Aluminum Alloy & Durable ABS Panel Size: Compact 4.6×3.1×2.1cm Color: Sleek Black Lock Type: U Shape Lock Handle Direction: Right Pull for Ease of Use Password Capacity: Up to 10 Groups of 6-Digit Codes Security Feature: Push Button Lock to Avoid Fingerprint Wear and ...
SIC 6-Digit Codesfor "34" Alternatively search for"34" in NAICS 8-Digit Codes. Examples:Paint pails, Chemical pails, Food pails, Lubricant pails, Adhesive pails, Cleaning solution pails, Agricultural Examples:Flammable liquid storage cans, Hazardous waste disposal cans, Chemical transport containers...