Just using numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, an 8-digit password has 218,340,105,584,896 possible character combinations. Therefore, to speed things up, any software that uses this approach tends to focus on known patterns and word combinations. The more complex the password, the longer...
Let’s say we have a simple bicycle lock, as in Figure 6-3, with a four-digit combination. The combination has 10,000 possible permutations of digits (0000 to 9999), but only one will unlock it. (They are called combination locks; however, in this context it’d be more accurate to...
diesel n.内燃机,柴油机 diet n.饮食,节食 differ v.不同,相异 difference n.差异,差别 different adj.不同的,各种 differential adj.有差别的 differently adv.不同地 difficult adj.困难的 difficulty n.困难,难题 dig v.挖,采掘 digest v.消化 n.摘要 digestion n.消化 digit n.数字 digital adj.数字的...
digit digital dignity dilemma diligent dilute dim dime dimension diminish dine dinner dinosaur dip diploma diplomat diplomatic direct direction directly director directory dirt dirty disability disable disappear disappoint disaster disastrous disc discard discern discharge discipline disclose disco discord discount ...