Book description 5G NR and Enhancements: From R15 to R16 introduces 5G standards, along with the 5G standardization procedure. The pros and cons of this technical option are reviewed, with the reas ... read full description Purchase book Share this bookBrowse...
5G NR in the unlicensed spectrumHao LinZuomin WuChuanfeng HeCong ShiKevin Lin5G NR and Enhancements
This article discusses the ideas and enhancements currently being worked on for 3GPP Release-16. These enhancements cover not only 5G-NR, but also LTE, which is being advanced in parallel. We focus on the selected Rel-16 work items (WI) and study items (SI), and split those into two ch...
去年12月,由中国广电参与的“Enhancements of NR Multicast and Broadcast Services(WI)”成为了R18的演进立项。 毫无疑问,5G NR广播是广电5G最重要的差异化场景。尤其是在5G NTN领域,5G NR广播的优势更加明显。在星地直连只能提供...
为满足新型应用的用户服务体验,无线技术在信令延迟、信令开销、频谱效率和覆盖范围等方面持续演进,在多天线技术研究中形成了各种解决方案。介绍了5G NR MIMO增强技术方案与标准演进,分析了关键技术的原理与性能优势,并对多天线技术增强演进方向进行了展望。 【关键...
Future research in 5G NR is focusing on enhancements such as integrated access and backhaul (IAB), non-terrestrial networks (NTNs), and further optimization of network slicing. Additionally, research is being conducted on extending 5G capabilities to support use cases like holographic communications,...
5G NR广播多播业务(Multicast/Broadcast Services,MBS)的发展使得多媒体内容(例如共安全和关键任务服务、V2X 应用、IPTV、直播视频、无线软件交付和 IoT 应用等)能够通过广播的传输方式传送到UE,因而用户能够随时随地观看广播电视节目或接收数据推送服务。通常传输数据是以单播形式进行,当用户人数过多时网络就会出现拥塞。
Normative standardization for NTN NR and NTN IoT started in Rel 17. Further enhancements, especially focusing on mobility scenarios and throughput enhancement, will come with Rel 18.Rel 19 will address the regenerative payload (i.e., base station functionality embarked in the satellite) according ...
如前所言,中国广电支持支持RAN共享功能的写入,主要考虑了有实际的部署场景和优化需求,认为非常需要提高NR MBS传输的效率。对于支持免费广播/仅接收模式的增强功能“Enhancements for Support of Free-to-Air/receive only mode (pending SA1/SA2 support)”,中国广电表述为是“强烈建议将此功能作为WID中的一个...
中国广电参与5G NR组播广播的持续演进立项 12月16日会议中最终确定下的27个项目中包含了课题“Enhancements of NR Multicast and Broadcast Services(WI)”,其由RAN2主导,是基于R16/R17特性演进和增强的R18课题。该课题参与方包括了中国信科下的电信科学技术研究院、中国广电、中国移动、华为、中兴、诺基亚、爱立信等...