Network Architecture Transformation 1.2 The Service-Driven 5G Architecture 05 End-to-End Network Slicing for Multiple Industries Based on One Physical Infrastructure 08 Reconstructing the RAN with Cloud 3.1 Multi-Connectivity Is Key to High Speed and Reliability 3.2 MCE 09 Cloud-Native New Core ...
Build a 5G network that is cost-efficient, simplified, and trustworthy. The Cisco cloud-to-client approach unifies multivendor mobile solutions into an open, cloud-native architecture so you can deploy services your customers want, when and where they ne
三、5G RAN Architecture 1. NG -Interface 2. Xn-Interface 3. E1-Interface 4. F1-Interface 四、Network Slicing Interworking with LTE Summary 5G网络架构受到了多个因素的影响,首先是为云端实现做好准备,其次是应对比之前更大的数据速率和更低的时延,启用新服务的能力,以及特别是在初期阶段与长期演进(LT...
White Paper: 5G Network Architecture - A High-Level Perspective In the 5G era, a single network infrastructure can meet diversified service requirements. A Cloud-Native E2E network architecture has the following attributes: Provides logically independent network slicing on a single networ...
OTN(光传送网,OpticalTransportNetwork),是以波分复用技术为基础、在光层组织网络的传送网,是下一代的骨干传送网。 中传(DUCU)和回传(CU以上) 由于中传与回传对于承载网在带宽、组网灵活性、网络切片等方面需求是基本一致的,所以可以使用统一的承载方案。主要介绍一下两种方案,承载网中采用的FlexE分片技术、减低时...
In this article, we will tackle the 5G architecture question. We will look at some of the capabilities made possible by 5G network architecture and how connected applications can benefit from it. You can find more resources in the links throughout this article and in the related resources in ...
无线接入网,也就是通常所说的RAN(Radio Access Network)。简单地讲,就是把所有的手机终端,都接入到通信网络中的网络。大家耳熟能详的基站BaseStation),就是属于无线接入网(RAN)。 基站 虽然我们从1G开始,历经2G、3G,一路走到4G,号称是技术飞速演进,但整个通信网络的逻辑架构,一直都是:手机→接入网→承载网→核...
首先大家看一下这个简化版的移动通信架构图:无线接入网,也就是通常所说的RAN(Radio Access Network)。简单地讲,就是把所有的手机终端,都接入到通信网络中的网络。大家耳熟能详的基站(BaseStation),就是属于无线接入网(RAN)。无线基站 虽然我们从1G开始,历经2G、3G,一路走到4G,号称是技术飞速演进,但...
无线接入网,也就是通常所说的RAN(Radio Access Network)。简单地讲,就是把所有的手机终端,都接入到通信网络中的网络。大家耳熟能详的基站BaseStation),就是属于无线接入网(RAN)。 基站 虽然我们从1G开始,历经2G、3G,一路走到4G,号称是技术飞速演进,但整个通信网络的逻辑架构,一直都是:手机→接入网→承载网→核...
Difference between 4G and 5G Network Architecture: Functions of 5G network: NRF(Network Repository Function):All of the 5G network functions (NFs) in the operator’s network are stored centrally in the Network Repository Function (NRF). The NRF provides a standards-based API that enables 5G NFs...