This white paper provides an overview of 5G Advanced with a special focus on its most vital pillars. The main technology components and their use cases are discussed in addition to 3GPP’s future direction towards 6G. After initial studies, standardization of the new 6G system may officially sta...
5G-Advanced[1]isrequired,andfullconsiderationof architectureevolutionandfunctionenhancementisneeded. Thiswhitepaperfirstanalyzesthenetworkevolutionarchitectureof5G- Advancedandexpoundsonthetechnicaldevelopmentdirectionof5G- AdvancedfromthethreecharacteristicsofArtificialIntelligence, Convergence,andEnablement.ArtificialIntellige...
然而,它通常受益于更大的频谱可用性和大规模MIMO能力,这提高了实现的频谱效率,从而提高了能源效率。 在未来的网络中,通过减少或省略诸如同步信号块(SSB)或系统信息块(SIB)等公共信道传输,可以进一步提高容量层的能源效率,使用5G-Advanced技术,如无SSB的次要小区运行或按需的SSB/SIB1操作。此外,创新的解决方案,如频谱...
[Beijing, China, August 5, 2021] Huawei published a white paper titled5G-Advanced Technology Evolution from a Network Perspective — Towards a New Era of Intelligent Connect Xwith China Mobile and other industry partners. This paper is the first in the industry to expand on the architecture and...
3GPP 正在考虑为 5G-Advanced 及更高版本制定的预期措施和增强包括以下内容: 定义应用于 5GC 和网络切片的节能机制的启用器。这包括在低负载期间关闭一些微服务以节省能源,甚至关闭更大的网络功能(例如部署在校园内的边缘用户平面功能 (UPF)),还可以根据其能效和负载状态选择网络功能 (NF) 以更全局地节省能源。
Huawei released the joint white paper 5G-Advanced Technology Evolution from a Network Perspective 2.0 together with more than 20 industry partners, including China Mobile, SKT, and du. The white paper summaries achievements with 5G and looks into the fut
5G-Advanced will bring a new wave of wireless innovations that push technology boundaries in three broad directions – Performance Improvements, Better Management and Greater Efficiency, and Enhancement for Specific Use Cases–as outlined in the GSMA’s latest whitepaper‘Advancing the 5G Era: Benefits...
LTE Advanced Pro The company that led the world to 3G, 4G, and 5G, is now driving the technology evolution towards 5G Advanced in Release 18 and beyond. It is the second wave of 5G innovations that will unleash the full potential of 5G, and it will establish the technical foundation of...
LTE-Advanced Narrow Band IoT & M2M Originators GSA Qualcomm Ericsson Nokia Huawei Intel Arvani Group Types GSA Report GSA Snapshot GSA Content Presentation GSA Chart Member Report Member White Paper Initiatives Spectrum Group Private Mobile Networks FWA Forum Standards Group Webinars About GSA About...
运营商的社会价值。移动通信网络向5G/5G-Advanced持续演进,全 新技术能力驱动着语音业务从传统音视频通话向5G新通话升级革新。 5G产业发展方面,我国已建成全球最大规模的5GSA网络,全 国已开通5G基站数突破两百万个,5G网络已基本实现城乡室外连续 覆盖,并从乡镇拓展到部分发达行政村。我国5G手机市场渗透率自 ...