而怪物们使用的武器和护甲通常状态低劣,很难卖出好价钱。 魔法物品Magic Items。魔法物品的出售存在种种问题。找一个买药剂或卷轴的人并不太难,但是其它魔法物品则只有最有钱的贵族能消费的起。类似的情况是,你也很难买到常见魔法物品之外的魔法物品或法术。魔法的存在无法单纯用金子来衡量其价值,并且理应一直保持这...
Magic Items All Items Armor Potion Ring Rod Scroll Staff Wand Weapon Wondrous Item Magic Item Name Rarity Rarity CommonUncommonRareVery RareLegendaryArtifactVariesUnknown Rarity Requires Attunement—YesNo Tags Tags WardingBuffDetectionDamageCommunicationCursedHeadwearInstrumentWilderkithtransmutationDebuffFocus...
Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Equipment Create new weapon. Please leave the "(5e Equipment)" identifier in the page title when making creating your new equipment! Weapons which are statistically identical or extremely similar to first-party weapons should go onWeapon Alternatives (5e Other), not...
If you want to wield something special, you might find ourDnD magic itemsguide useful. And if you want to check what weapons your character can use, ourDnD classesandDnD racesguides can remind you. Here’s everything you need to know about DnD weapons: ...
Attunement Items Efreeti Chain– +3 armor is good and fire damage is a common damage type. The extra language and walking on lava are plus. Attunement holds this item back. [Legendary] Plate Armor of Etherealness– Who says guys in plate can’t be sneaky? This isn’t quite as good as...
宝藏 语言与方言Languages and Dialects 7 Treasure 派系与组织Factions and Organizations 宝藏类型Types of Treasure 世界中的魔法Magic in Your World 随机宝藏Random Treasure 创作战役Creating a Campaign 魔法物品Magic Items 战役事件Campaign Events 智能魔法物品Sentient Magic Items 游戏风格Play Style 神器Artifacts ...
In terms of what’s going to be lost, since the Player’s Handbook has new spells, we’d assume the spell changes will go through immediately. However, since magic items are the purview of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the old ones will stick around for a few more months. According to...
(a) four items that are any arrangement of ammo, weapon, armor, or shield or (b) 14 gold pieces (a) a holy symbol (b) an arcane focus (c) a component pouch (d) a simple weapon (e) a common magic item or (f) an ominous note ...
Anyway, I am now going to have to think about magic items over the course of the game a little bit more. I’m ok being more conservative with them, but it increases my inclination to introduce more +0 weapons (weapons which grant no bonus to attack or damage, but which do some other...
Characters in Dungeons & Dragons 5E have many different abilities to call on in combat, so magic items aren’t as crucial to the game as they used to be. The exception is the temporary one-use items, like potions and spell scrolls, which provide a needed extra boost of power or healing...