County FIPS: 27137 County: CountyFIPS: 27137 - Saint Louis ZIP Code: 55734 City Name: Fayal City Type ?: N (Not Acceptable) ❓What does N (Not Acceptable) mean? A "not acceptable" name is, in many cases, a nickname that residents give that location. According to the USPS,...
Find assessor info on the county website Neighborhood: 55734 Nearby homesSkip to the end of the carousel $246,000 3 bd|1 ba|1.5k sqft 7315 E Town Line Rd, Eveleth, MN 55734 Off Market $89,800 2 bd|1 ba|1.1k sqft 3515 River Dr, Eveleth, MN 55734 Off Market $168,600 -- bd...
重庆九龙坡区:严查过期食品,护航校园安全 六一节前,为切实保障校园周边食品安全,努力营造安全稳定的校园周边环境,守牢未成年人食品安全底线,5月21日中午,重庆市九龙坡区市场监督管理局对四川外国语大学九龙坡区附属小学周边的5家食品店、零食店进行了突击检查。 执法人员检查食品 检查过程中,执法人员重点排查了经营者...
Queshan County Xinhua Industrial Company Xinhua Mall (自动翻译) 营业场所 河南省确山县盘龙镇新生街西段路北(邮编463200)附近企业 经营范围 针织品,服装,鞋,帽,日用百货。 变更记录1 导出 序号变更日期 变更项目 变更前 变更后 1 2017-08-12 市场主体类型变更 内资企业法人分支机构(非法人) 全民所...
Discover the City of Fountains' sparkling beauty Dig into the roots of Kansas City jazz Get the scoop on backroom dealings Stop outside the haunted Hotel Phillips Show more View in a map Activity location Kansas City Jackson County Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America Meeting/Redempt...
Linquan County Dalaoma Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. (自动翻译更新) 注册地址 安徽省临泉县滑集镇西来顺街(法庭斜对面)(邮编236411)附近企业 经营范围 许可项目:建设工程施工;道路货物运输(不含危险货物);建设工程设计;公路工程监理;输电、供电、受电电力设施的安装、维修和试验;建筑劳务分包(依法须经批...