“550 no such domain at this location”是一个电子邮件服务器返回的SMTP错误代码,表示邮件服务器无法识别或无法找到邮件要发送到的目标域名。下面是对这个错误信息的详细解释、可能的原因、解决步骤以及建议。 1. 错误信息含义 “550 no such domain at this location”错误表明邮件服务器在尝试将邮件发送到指定的...
退信提示:“SMTP error, RCPT TO:550 No such domain at this location” 退信原因:域名解析失败,对方域名不存在或MX解析错误/未生效。 建议: 1.请核实收件域名是是否填写正确。 2.请收件方核实收件域内是否存在此账号。 3.请收件人核实该域名的解析是否生效。
550 No such domain at this location 简介 突然某一天企业邮箱用户在外网发邮件失败,退信内容:Pleasechecktheemail<xxxxxxx@qq.com>,serverreply:550Nosuchdomainatthislocation。工具/原料 梭子鱼垃圾邮件防火墙 邮件客户端 方法/步骤 1 检查企业梭子鱼垃圾邮件防火墙来信日志,并未查到相关日志。2 梭子鱼【过滤设置】...
网易企业邮箱退信提示:“SMTP error, RCPT TO:550 No such domain at this location 退信原因:域名解析失败,对方域名不存在或MX解析错误/未生效。 建议: 1.请核实收件域名是是否填写正确。 2.请收件方核实收件域内是否存在此帐号。 3.请收件人核实该域名的解析是否生效...
退信原因:域名解析失败,对方域名不存在或MX解析错误/未生效。 建议: 1.请核实收件域名是是否填写正确。 2.请收件方核实收件域内是否存在此帐号。 3.请收件人核实该域名的解析是否生效。 来源:https://qiye.163.com/help/13a3c8.html EmailCamel海外邮件群发-外贸邮件群发-外贸EDM详细介绍 ...
During fault location, you can run this command to view statistics about HACA packets. Example # Display HACA packet statistics. <Huawei>display haca-server statistics all--- Haca-server Template haca Statistics: --- Authen_Request_Messages = 0 Authen_Accept_Messages = 0 Authen_Reject_Message...
This command is used on a DHCP server. Besides assigning IP addresses, a DHCP server can also provide the required network configuration parameters, such as the startup configuration file name for the DHCP clients. After the startup configuration file name is configured using the bootfile comm...
as commonly used as the restrictions described earlier, but it can be applied to all users, regardless of their location and connection. There's no alternative. If your server administrator is using this method, you must specify a return email address...