错误代码525,也称为SSL Handshake Failed,表示Cloudflare在尝试与您的源服务器建立SSL/TLS连接时遇到了问题。这通常意味着Cloudflare无法验证源服务器的SSL证书或源服务器没有在预期的端口上监听SSL连接。 可能导致Cloudflare SSL握手失败的原因 SSL证书问题:源服务器的SSL证书可能已过期、被撤销、自签名或不被Cloudflare...
“SSL handshake failed Error code 525” 表示您的服务器和 Cloudflare 之间无法建立安全连接,通常是因为 SSL 配置问题。主要可能是一下几个问题: 1. 服务器没有有效的 SSL 证书: 确保您的服务器配置了有效的 SSL 证书。您可以使用 Let's Encrypt 或从其他提供商获取 SSL 证书。 2. SSL 证书过期: 检查服务...
Cloudflare: Error 525 - SSL HandShake Failed Updated over 4 years ago The Error “525” is a unique error code designed to inform the website owner and visitors that the website was unable to successfully establish a connection from the visitor, through the Cloudflare system, to the hosting ...
Cloudflare is unable to establish an SSL connection to the origin server. What can I do? If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes. If you're the owner of this website: It appears that the SSL configuration used is not compatible with Cloudflare. This co...
What Is the SSL Handshake Failure Error 525? The525 HTTP Status Code, “SSL Handshake Failed,” indicates a failure in the SSL/TLS handshake between the server and the client, such as a web browser or cloud service provider. During an attempt to visit a website using HTTPS, an SSL/TLS...
Cloudflare is unable to establish an SSL connection to the origin server. What can I do? If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes. If you're the owner of this website: It appears that the SSL configuration used is not compatible with Cloudflare. This co...
But today, out of the blue, a bunch of our properties have gone down, showing either Error 525 - SSL Handshake Failed (if ran through CloudFlare) or straight up This site can't provide a secure connection, more specifically ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH. In...
「Error 525 SSL handshake failed」と英語のページが表示されて本来のページが見れない場合の対処法 目次 状況 情報・対処法 管理者の対処法 状況 ウェブページを閲覧した際に...
“SSL握手失败”会准确地告诉您问题是什么。当您的浏览器无法与具有SSL证书的网站建立连接时,它会显示:Error 525 Ray ID:594f9ac978edc924.2020-05-17 19:04:31 UTC SSL handshake failed 在使用CloudFlare的网站这个例子中,您可以看到“SSL握手失败”对应“525”这个代码。因此,失败的原因也可能是服务器端和客户...
525: SSLHandshakeFailed 527: RailgunError 598: NetworkReadTimeoutError 599: NetworkConnectTimeoutError It's possible to override this listDisable retryIt's possible to manually disable retry for a specified request. Use disableRetry extension for that:final...