in person or online***, in 51 Worldwide Games. From ancient board games to modern classics, relaxing solitaire games to fast-paced toy sports, experience the games that have shaped cultures around the world!
Try 51 Worldwide Games for free! Download the demo to enjoy these games for free: Dominoes Four in a Row President Slot Cars The free demo also lets you challenge up to three friends in local wireless multiplayer*. With one copy of the full game, those using the demo can enjoy all mul...
51 Worldwide Games is not only a great collection, but also a kind of tutorial on the history of games from around the world. The project will not impress you with an unprecedented depth, but it will definitely be a great addition for any party with friends and a faithful companion during... 收录以上总共 51 种的游戏!有着各种不同的游戏方式,可以将 Nintendo Switch 主机平放当成游戏盘游玩,也可以拿着主机相聚,多人一起游玩,以各式各样的游戏风格享受各类型游戏的乐趣。在使用手牌或扑克牌的游戏,使用本地联机,最多可以 4 人一起游玩。 全世界的...
(Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics) 类型:桌面棋牌 制作:任天堂 平台:Switch 发行:任天堂 发售:2020-06-05 ( Switch ) 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 | 日文 | 其他 官网:暂无游戏商城 正版购买 7.9 已有18人评分您还未评分! 正如其名,《世界游戏大全51》整整包含了51款来自世界各地的游戏在记忆卡内,...
switch《世界游戏大全51 51 Worldwide Games》中文版下载,这是一款休闲游戏的合集,一共为玩家呈现了51款经典的益智休闲类游戏,非常适合聚会派对等场合。 收录以上总共 51 种的游戏!有着各种不同的游戏方式,可以将 Nintendo Switch 主机平放当成游戏盘游玩,也可以拿着主机相聚,多人一起游玩,以各式各样的游戏风格享...
棋盘游戏、纸牌游戏、体育游戏、单人游戏,甚至还有钢琴键盘,Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics是一个不拘一格的游戏集,可以在你的任天堂Switch系统上玩耍和发现。 马赛克模式--在这种模式下,最多四个玩家可以使用他们自己的系统在本地连接,以便在某些游戏中允许行动分散在屏幕上。将最多四个系统并排放置,建立几...
Compilation games like Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics always have a variety of hits and misses depending on your own personal taste, but there's a wide enough variety of board, card and action games here that you're sure to find a number that will appeal to you. Everything's pre...
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Try 51 Worldwide Games for free! Download the demo to enjoy these games for free: Dominoes Four in a Row President Slot Cars The free demo also lets you challenge up to three friends in local wireless multiplayer*. With one copy of the full game, those using the demo can enjoy all...