G502 X PLUS features enhanced LIGHTSYNC RGB lighting with active play detection to intelligently conserve battery, our first-ever hybrid optical-mechanical LIGHTFORCE switches, LIGHTSPEED pro-grade wireless connectivity, HERO 25K sensor with sub-micron accuracy, and more. MORE ON G502 X PLUS ...
此外,罗技G502 X游戏鼠标是首款搭载LIGHTFORCE光学-机械混合开关的鼠标。据悉,LIGHTFORCE是一种革命性的微动开关技术,将光学开关的优点与玩家喜爱的机械开关驱动感觉相结合,使用电流接触部件实现超低延迟的点击触发,提升鼠标速度和可靠性,同时又保持了机械开关带给玩家的清脆触觉反馈。通过罗技Logitech G HUB驱动可以...
G502 X PLUS features enhanced LIGHTSYNC RGB lighting with active play detection to intelligently conserve battery, our first-ever hybrid optical-mechanical LIGHTFORCE switches, LIGHTSPEED pro-grade wireless connectivity, HERO 25K sensor with sub-micron accuracy, and more. MORE ON G502 X PLUS ...
we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action loading reviews... ...
reliability through optical actuation. while mechanical actuation maintains the crisp, tactile feedback that players demand. planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable ...
unseren planeten und unsere gesellschaft entdecken sie, wie logitech als pionier neue arbeitsweisen entwickelt, um eine nachhaltige, gerechte und fantasievolle welt zu gestalten – und wie jeder seinen teil dazu beitragen kann. mehr erfahren planet menschen recycling berichte aktiv werden logitech ...
较大的侧裙设计让鼠标的稳定性更强,罗技G502 X游戏鼠标通过薄壁外骨骼设计进一步减重,不算连接线,鼠标自重约86克。鼠标正面分别是主键、中键、次键、可上下左右滑动的滚轮以及板载配置文件循环键;正面的侧方G7、G8键分别是降低、提高DPI;鼠标的左侧分别是切换DPI及前进、后退键。通过Logitech G HUB可以设置鼠标...
logitech/罗技 41770人关注 一个起源于瑞士的电脑外设品牌,成立于1981年。罗技现今已在全球140多个国家和地区开展业务,凭借其产品出色的工业设计和创新,已揽获全球100多个世界级的设计大奖。罗技旗下拥有罗技G、Jaybird和UE等多个品牌,产品线涉及电竞、视频协作、办公外设和智能家居等多个领域。 打开App,查看品牌...
无线连接模式下我们也进行了测试,同样用Mouse Tester看xCounts和yCounts图像,曲线一如既往的丝滑,点位也基本都在曲线之上,不愧是经典传奇,10年经久不衰,代表了Logitech G的尖端水准。 回报率方面,还是老样子,在罗技G HUB里选择最高的1000Hz,从下图就可以看到罗技G502 X PLUS十周年版相当稳定,回报率稳定在1000Hz...
G502 X PLUS features enhanced LIGHTSYNC RGB lighting with active play detection to intelligently conserve battery, our first-ever hybrid optical-mechanical LIGHTFORCE switches, LIGHTSPEED pro-grade wireless connectivity, HERO 25K sensor with sub-micron accuracy, and more. MORE ON G502 X PLUS ...